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强硬的乔相信格利德站遭到了分裂分子的进攻。The hawkish Cho believed the Separatists had attacked Glid Station.

同属鹰派的副总统迪克·切尼,也看到了他影响力的日薄西山。Dick Cheney, the hawkish vice-president, has seen his influence wane.

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他被看作是好战、右倾知识分子的典范。He is seen as the epitome of the hawkish , right-of-center intellectual.

还有斯坦·科伦德抨击了马丁·菲尔德坦的鹰派经济刺激计划。And Stan Collender shoots down Martin Feldstein's hawkish stimulus proposal.

在新西兰,新西兰央行行长波兰德今天讲话的语气相对强硬。In New Zealand, RBNZ Governor Bollard speech today had a relatively hawkish tone.

中国官方新闻媒体加强了自事件以来保持的鹰派论调。The Chinese state-run news media have stepped up their hawkish tone since the episode.

但是显然有更多的鹰派的声音促使这个辩论的呼喊声更加激烈。But there are clearly more hawkish voices, which are becoming ever louder in this debate.

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在这场对决中,财政鹰派可能会成功抽身而退,而强硬派则不能。Within this battle, the fiscal hawks are OK with sequestration. The hawkish hawks are not.

印度鹰派认为中国的这些投资像是“一串珍珠”扼制着印度。Hawkish Indians consider these Chinese investments as a “string of pearls” to throttle India.

央行内部若现任何强硬的基调,都有望刺激英镑走出欧元那样的反弹行情。Any hawkish tone to the discussions at the Bank could see sterling experience a euro-like rally.

同时它也整理出一条辩论的战线,并出人意料地成为了鹰派博客中的一匹战马。It also codified a polemical line that has, unexpectedly, become a war horse of hawkish bloggers.

当然,以色列国内某些比纳坦雅胡更鹰派的政党联盟夥伴,也正在对他施压。Mr Netanyahu, of course, is under pressure from coalition partners even more hawkish than himself.

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以色列鹰派总理本佳明·内塔尼亚胡也反对建立一个巴勒斯坦国。Israel's hawkish Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu also opposes the creation of a Palestinian state.

说完第二天,里士满、费城和达拉斯的行长们也做了类似的鹰派评论。The next day, his counterparts at the Richmond, Philadelphia and Dallas banks made similarly hawkish remarks.

采取了女权主义立场的鹰派网站包括绿色小足球,圣战观察者,以及霍洛维茨的前页杂志。Hawkish sites that have taken up feminism include Little Green Footballs, Jihad Watch and Horowitz’s FrontPage Magazine.

随著新一届联储局成员轮任FOMC,来年的FOMC可能更为强硬,并支持实施更多宽松措施,但目前仍难以定夺。The potential for a more hawkish FOMC next year given the rotation of Fed members supports this but the jury is still out.

然而,内塔尼亚胡在试图修补和美国关系的同时,也必须安抚的鹰派联盟伙伴。But while seeking to patch up relations with the U.S., the Prime Minister must also appease his hawkish coalition partners.

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一名与会的中国鹰派战略家对此毫无歉意,怒斥美国想要“与中国为敌”。A hawkish Chinese strategist at the conference was unapologetic, growling that America was “taking the Chinese as the enemy”.

同时,欧佩克成员内较多的鹰派,例如委内瑞拉,正鼓吹削减产量来阻止石油价格进一步下跌。Meanwhile, more hawkish members of OPEC, such as Venezuela, are calling for a cut in output to stop oil prices falling further.

她的同事中对通胀持更为强硬态度的森坦斯则表示,近期的经济指标令他感到鼓舞.Her colleague Andrew Sentance, one of the more hawkish members of the MPC, said he was encouraged by recent economic indicators.