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加椰蓉,拌匀。Add coconut. Mix.

加上椰子油?With coconut oil?

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加入椰奶和黄糖。Add coconut milk and brown sugar.

这辆车燃料为椰子油。This one runs on coconut oil, too.

椰丝粉团是一道克里奥尔菜。Coconut Rice Balls is a Creole dish.

椰子冰淇淋和花生酱冰淇淋。Coconut and peanut butter ice cream.

椰棕可以制成垫子。Coconut fiber can be made into mats.

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请来四瓶椰汁吧。Four bottles of coconut milk, please!

在我家房子前面有一颗椰子树。A coconut tree is in front of my house.

我是一个学生,我喜欢鸡蛋和椰子。I'm a student. I like eggs and coconut.

烘干坚果、面包屑和可可豆Toasting Nuts, Bread Crumbs, and Coconut

拌入筛过的面粉及椰子粉。Fold in sifted flours and coconut powder.

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柠檬紫苏椰汁烤鸡。Grilled Coconut Chicken with Lemon Basil.

加入椰丝和榛子粉,用橡胶刮刀捞拌均匀。Add in coconut shreds and hazelnut powder.

菜油不错,玉米油和椰子油不好Canola Oil Good, Corn and Coconut Oils Bad

加入杏仁和椰子肉,搅拌到凉就可以吃了。Add the apricot and coconut. Stir well. Cool.

如果水干了就再加一点椰浆。Add some coconut milk if it starts to dry out.

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绵滑的蛋黄配以香脆的椰丝。Creamy egg yolk with crunchy shredded coconut.

氢化反式脂肪或愈合椰子油?Hydrogenated Trans Fat or Healing Coconut Oil?

椰林棕榈,热带风味。Coconut trees and palms have a tropical flavour.