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盖上新梯子。New stairs covering.

好,火力掩护。Okey, covering fire.

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钢化玻璃罩。Tempered glass covering.

留下一层薄脂肪层。Leave a thin covering of fat.

加机油的通气孔盖。Cap covering the oil filler hole.

炮火掩护着我们。The artillery gave us covering fire.

我不在的时候,玛丽会帮我代班。Mary is covering for me while I'm away.

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斗篷状覆盖物一种类似长袍或斗蓬的遮盖物。A covering resembling a cloak or mantle.

这时,你的手应该会在鼠蹊部的位置。Your hand should be covering your groin.

现在德黑兰已经被厚厚的雾覆盖住了。There's a mist covering Tehran right now.

掩盖了人们不该看到的东西。covering up what the world shouldn't see.

有块金属板盖在洞上。There was a metal plate covering the hole.

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他们总是自己找辙前进。They advance by covering their own tracks.

他们给舞台的台面贴上橡胶。They rubberized the covering of the stage.

我们敲掉了石头上的冰。We knocked off the ice covering the stone.

他揭去自行车上的覆盖物。He disclosed the outer covering on the bike.

覆盖于眉上的拱状短毛。The arch of short hairs covering this ridge.

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焊条分为药皮和焊芯。Electrode consists of covering and fire core.

棚顶覆盖着又长又硬的草。The covering was made of a long, tough grass.

任何被尼尔森防守的人都无处可去。The man Nelson was covering had nowhere to go.