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我经过再三考虑决定辞职。After much cogitation , I decide to resign.

做了仔细思考之后,他还是拒绝了邀请。After much cogitation he rejected the offer.

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我经过再三考虑后决定辞职。After much cogitation I have decided to resign.

分析了在含蜡原油低温粘弹性认识上和研究中存在的问题。The existing problems were analyzed from two aspects of cogitation and research.

就屈服应力认识和研究中存在的问题提出了若干建议。According to the problems in the cogitation and research, some suggestions are proposed.

第一章为顾客价值认知,本文认为顾客价值是营销变革的结果,讨论了顾客价值的含义及创造顾客价值的本质。Chapter 1 we discuss the cogitation of customer value, and we think customer value study is the result of marketing development.

对期刊定位的转型,提出了强化教育性与强化地理性两种取向的思考。Moreover, it provides, for the Journal's repositioning strategy, a rational cogitation upon strengthening directions of education as well as geography.

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她不再往下想了,不由得脸红了,笑自己又故态复萌。接着她又更加认真、更加颓丧地回顾了已经发生的事,揣摩了可能发生和必定发生的事。She stopt to blush and laugh at her own relapse, and then resumed a more serious, more dispiriting cogitation upon what had been, and might be, and must be.

戴翔的新雷锋故事具有一种现实主义手法的故事性,但也正因为如此,戴翔对于历史的观察和对现实的思考,得以通过细节的铺排非常丰富地展开。In fact, he carries out a realistic approach to storytelling, vividly presenting his observation toward the history and his cogitation in the reality with rich details.

柏克不仅是一位积极有为的政治活动家,而且是一位“只为实质自由的现实安全”而深思熟虑的政治理论家。Burke not only is a positive promising political activist, moreover is "only for the substantive free realistic security" the political theoretician which but cogitation.

人们交际和思维的工具——语言,在这新时期的改革浪潮中发生演变,其中活动能力最强的是词汇。The language serve as the tool of communication and cogitation of human beings. During the course of reforming, language are changing, in which the glossary especially have a strong energy.