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我想处理掉所有这些东西。I want to buy the whole kit and caboodle.

我想知道所有这些东西的价钱。I want to know the price for the whole kit and caboodle.

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站长可以从这堆数据中挖掘出什么?What can stationmaster dig from inside this caboodle data?

有说大量垃圾站堆在一个服务器的。Have say caboodle of many rubbish station is in of a server.

我想知道你出了多少钱买所有这些东西。I want to know how much you paid for the whole kit and caboodle.

我们这堆女人经常要嫉妒地问她,为什么皮肤那么好?We this caboodle woman often should ask her enviously , why is the skin so good?

他遇见丁叮的时候正在甩掉一堆追求他的女生。One caboodle is being swung to go after his schoolgirl when he encounters Ding Ding.

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结果是,其即使得到数据,也是一堆乱码,没有多大的用处。The result is, although its get data, also be one caboodle random code, without how old good.

为此,我库在2007年进行了磷化氢气体在粮堆中渗透能力的试验。For this, my library undertook 2007 phosphine gas sinks the test of ability in grain caboodle.

扇子可以双向供应一样的气流,因此能经过柴堆达到和实现一样的烘干效。Fan can two-way offer same air stream, can achieve same stoving effect through bavin caboodle consequently.

两个小时以后当他又来到木炭堆那里时,果真发生了不该发生的事情。Come there charcoal caboodle again when him after two hours when, if really the thing that ought not to happen.

你的鼠标假如一动,页面上会对应着弹出一堆花哨的介绍。Your mouse if easily, can corresponding move plays the introduction that gives one caboodle flowery on the page.

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常见的QQ群推广方法是加一堆QQ群,然后在群里发网站的广告。Common QQ group promotion method is to add one caboodle QQ group, be in next group of advertisement of li of hairnet station.

之后故事发展到当派的家人收拾好生活所需的一切,连同自己及动物们一起坐船出发到加拿大。And that comes about when Pi's family packs up their lives, their animals, and moves the whole kit and caboodle to Canada by ship.

促使农村干部解放思想,最好的办法就是“到富人堆里去”,身临其境,亲身实践。Make rural cadre liberate a thought, best method is " go in wealthy person caboodle " , be personally on the scene, personal practice.

杰弗瑞注意到商人在一个晚上出去了三回,次日早上整理一堆锯和刀。Jiefurui notices the businessman was in to go out 3 times in the evening, morrow arranges one caboodle to curium in the morning with the knife.

珠光宝起气地堆在一起找起来很不便,而且相互的碰撞造成碰伤就更可惜了。The angry caboodle since bead light treasure searches together very disadvantageous, and each other collision is caused touch more regrettablly.

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尽管彩电经常是满屏的雪花点,电风扇经常发出推土机般的吼叫,那也都是汗堆出来的呀。Although color television often is snowflake dot of Man Bing, fanner often gives out bulldozer like roar, that also is sweat caboodle comes out ah.

老鼠在海滩边的衣服堆里翻来倒去地找它的游泳裤,而大象已经在水里玩耍了。Mice breaks up to go to the ground looking for its bathing trunks in the dress caboodle of beach edge, and elephant has been in water amuse oneself.

随后因华美妍自身身份问题,又牵扯出了一堆与之关系不明确的重要人物登场。Subsequently because of problem of identity of colorful beautiful oneself, drag in gave one caboodle to concern to it ambiguous anybody comes on stage.