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萨拉米肠,尖椒,洋葱和香料。Salami, chili pepper, onion and oregano.

把适量的牛至叶均匀撒在牛肉上。Sprinkle some oregano all over the beef.

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将番茄酱、罗勒、牛至倒入锅中加热。In a saucepan, heat tomato sauce, basil, and oregano.

将羊肉洗干净,撒上盐,胡椒和奥及阿奴。Wash the lamb, and dredge with salt, pepper and oregano.

茶树和牛至,因其抗菌功能而著名。Tea tree and oregano are known for their antimicrobial nature.

然而,也有实际的药用价值,以及对牛至。However, there are actual medicinal properties to Oregano as well.

感谢我们的美国士兵在二战后从意大利带回了牛至。Oregano Thank our GIs for bringing oregano home from Italy after WWII.

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箭鱼,干番茄,小番茄,黑橄榄,牛至。Swordfish, oven dried tomatoes, cherry tomatoes, black olives, oregano.

它的原材料只有生面团和加了牛至叶粉、味道浓郁的番茄大蒜调味汁。The ingredients are simply dough and a rich marinara sauce with oregano.

你有面包、芝士和西红柿,屋子里还有一些牛至叶。And you have bread and cheese and tomatoes, and some oregano in the house.

牛通常误认为是马郁兰的植物看起来非常相似。Oregano is commonly mistaken for Marjoram as the plants look very similar.

厨房外的马郁兰和牛至是最好的朋友,并做了很多合作。Outside of the kitchen Marjoram and Oregano are best friends and do a lot together.

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没有人能想象吃一块比萨饼没有味道的牛至添加到它。No one could imagine eating a piece of pizza without a taste of Oregano added to it.

发达芝士,腌烤青椒,切片橄榄,生菜,香料。Feta cheese, marinated grilled mixed bell peppers, sliced olives and lettuce sesoned with oregano.

混匀雪梨酒、番茄酱和那种植物片片,用盐调味,然后浇灌在肉丸上。In a separate bowl, blend the sherry, ketchup and oregano. Add salt to taste. Pour over the meatballs.

像罗勒、麝香、芫荽、牛至这些是最好且最易种植的香草类的植物了。Herbs like basil, thyme, cilantro and oregano are some of the best and easy-to-grow-from-seeds gift herbs.

牛至也是一种经常与意大利调味品有关的可爱的烹饪用药草,能在食物中享用。Oregano is also a lovely cooking herb often associated with Italian spices and can be enjoyed with one's meals.

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这种番茄调料是用牛至和罗勒稍微加香的调料,但是番茄的味道并没有被掩盖起来。This tomato sauce is lightly herbed with oregano and basil, yet the basic tomato taste is allowed to shine through.

如果你喜欢奶酪,那你就不能错过品尝奶酪烤饼——一种撒了牛至叶粉的烟熏味波萝伏洛干酪。If you’re in the mood for cheese, don’t leave without sampling provoleta – a smoky provolone sprinkled with oregano.

如果你喜欢奶酪,那你就不能错过品尝奶酪烤饼——一种撒了牛至叶粉的烟熏味波萝伏洛乾酪。If you're in the mood for cheese, don't leave without sampling provoleta – a smoky provolone3 sprinkled with oregano.