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那也不会有火花。There's no spark.

埃文鲁德火花塞。Evinrude spark plugs.

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是什么点燃了心火?What ignites that spark.

也叫火星塞。Also called the spark plug.

火花这种事就是狗屎。The spark thing is bullshit.

查火星塞瑕疵。Check the spark plug for defect.

能否点燃爱火,进入你内心深处?Light up the spark way down deep?

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力舷外机火花塞。Force outboard engine spark plugs.

小不忍则乱大谋。A little spark kindles a great fire.

火势减弱只剩下一点点火星。The fire has burned down to a spark.

艾奇的理智的最后一颗火花消失了。The last spark of Ikey's reason fled.

星星之火的点燃从来都是不可预知的。The spark was, as ever, unanticipated.

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生活的火花会映出更真实的你。That spark of life makes you more real.

州司临门,急于星火。State department rimmon, eager to spark.

这个火花就是信念的力量。This spark is the strength of conviction.

撞出永久不熄的爱的火花。Knock the eternal alive the spark of love.

所以铁路将购买阻火器。So the railroad will buy the spark arrestor.

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这个消息传了出去,引发了一场“麒麟菜热”。The news spread to spark an 'Eucheuma-rush'.

当火星落在那张纸上时,它立即燃烧起来。The paper ignited when the spark fell on it.

但我需要那种快感来使我的精神振作起来?But I need that spark to get psyched back up, ?