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因为他是首字递归的。Because it's a recursive acronym.

缩略词数据存储为字符串。The acronym data is stored as a string.

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RRD是环形数据库的缩写。RRD is the acronym for Round Robin Database.

YOLO是“你只活一次”的英文首字母缩写。YOLO is an acronym for "you only live once".

BFF一定是你朋友名字的缩写吧。BFF is not my friend's name. BFF is an acronym.

太好了。BFF一定是你朋友名字的缩写吧。No, Lihua. BFF is not my friend's name. BFF is an acronym.

KERS是动能回收系统的缩写。The acronym KERS stands for Kinetic Energy Recovery System.

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艾滋病的全称是“获得性免疫缺损综合征”。AIDS is an acronym for"Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome."

英文是“减少指令组的电脑处理”的字首字。RISC is the acronym for "reduced instruction set computing".

对于一项非常简单的技术来说,这是一个很绕口的缩写词。That's a mouthful of an acronym for a very simple technology.

这是由大肠杆菌缩写STEC的已知危险形式。This is a dangerous form of E. coli known by the acronym STEC.

刘大使用“IDEA”一词来总结其作为驻英大使的使命。Mr Liu uses the acronym IDEA to summarise his mission in the UK.

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这又促使我去寻找英语中最早出现的缩略语。This prompted me to look for the earliest example of an acronym.

KISS实际上是他使用的一句话的首字母缩写,这句话就是,“笨蛋,要简化。”KISS is an acronym that he used meaning, “Keep it simple, stupid.

这三个崛起中的民主国家已经有了自己的首字母缩略词——Ibsa。These three rising democracies have coined their own acronym – Ibsa.

标识符大小写规则优先于首字母缩写词大小写规则。The identifier casing rules take precedence over acronym casing rules.

是“反潜艇侦查调查委员会”的缩写形式。ASDIC is an acronym for antisubmarine detection investigation committee.

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SWOT这个缩写代表长处、短处、机会和威胁。SWOT acronym stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats.

甚至远地参与内部网开发的人们都知道缩写字母HTML。People even remotely involved with intranet development know the acronym HTML.

话题触及国防,缩合字,缩写字和行话就满天飞。Scratch the subject of defence and acronym abbreviation and buzzwords fly out.