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这位前“绿色贝雷“组织的成员为自己辩护为自卫。The former Green Beret pleaded self-defense.

我们想到的标志性的东西就是法国贝雷帽。One of the symbols we thought of was a beret.

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这群忠肝义胆的军人,正是英勇的绿扁帽战士。Men who mean just what they say, The brave men of the Green Beret.

纵有百条好汉参加考验,但也仅有三人可赢得绿扁帽。One hundred men will test today, But only three win the Green Beret.

到了二战期间,贝雷帽成为法国人爱国的标志。During the Second World War the béret became a symbol of French Patriotism.

等到那时,脱下切格瓦拉的贝雷帽,停止祝贺你自己吧。Until then, take off your Che Guevera beret and stopcongratulating yourself.

一位戴着贝雷帽的长者和他拿着提琴盒的妻子朝我微笑着,他们像是职业人士。An older man in a beret and his wife, who carried a violin case, smiled at me.

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他的长靴和紫色贝雷帽表明他统领着苏格兰伞兵部队。His boots and purple beret identify him as commanding the Scottish Paratroops.

他说,法国制造的贝雷帽只有成为高档时装的搭配物才可能获得未来。The French-made beret only has a future as an expensive fashion accessory, he says.

在加斯格区这里,不戴帽子的时候,你才落伍呢。Here in the Gascogne region, it’s whenyou don’t wear a beret that you’re out of fashion.

线条简洁的黑色法式贝雷帽一直都是广为流传的法国形象和法国标志。The simple black French béret has been a popular image and symbol of France for a long time.

传统习俗中,8-12岁的男孩都要戴着贝雷帽上学。Tradition also has it that between the ages of 8 and 12, boys weregiven a beret to wear to school.

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戴贝雷帽的女孩真可爱。她还让我想起了避谣客乐队。The girl wearing the beret is just adorable. She also reminds me a little of Bjork back in the day.

就像法国的贝雷帽和长棍面包一样,这款玩具一样的小车曾在这里非常流行。As French as the beret and the baguette, this toy-like little vehicle was once a frequent sight here.

离她不远处,一位头戴黑色贝雷帽的老人从一只压扁的纸箱底部捡了两只芒果。Nearby, an old man with a black beret selects two mangoes from the bottom of a battered cardboard box.

几个月以前,那时我在纽约,地铁里,一个头戴贝雷帽的老人挨着我坐了下来。Some months ago, when I was in New York, an old man wearing a beret sat down next to me on the subway.

线条简洁的黑色法式贝雷帽一直都是广为流传的法国形象和法国标志。The Béret The simple black French béret has been a popular image and symbol of France for a long time.

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Fortwo在美国汽车文化里的印象就像带着一顶法式贝雷帽一样让人讨厌。The Fortwo is such anathema to American automotive culture that it might as well come wearing a beret.

灯光变暗,幻灯背景片消失,一束追光投在一男子身,他身着军装,头戴贝雷帽。The lights go to black and SLIDES FADE OUT . A spot falls on one man who is in a legion suit and beret.

这可不只是一个戴个可爱的小贝雷帽,另一个裹着一条小皮短裤就能分得出来的。No, it's not that one is wearing a saucy little beret while the other is tucked into tiny pair of lederhosen.