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我领导?Me leading?

锚链向后。Cable leading astern.

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那么,引导性提问。So, leading question.

前导零消隐。Leading zero blanking.

他们以2比利时领先。They're leading by 2-1.

谢谢您领导我们。Thank you for leading us.

他过着猪狗不如的生活。He’s leading a dog’s life.

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他是个双面人。He is leading a double life.

管理并带领团队。Supervising and leading teams.

狐步舞领导了一种新潮流。Fox-trot leading a new fashion.

权威专家说并非如此。Not at all, say leading experts.

我们在把他们诱入一个圈套。We are leading them into a trap.

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他是我们的带路人。He is the people's leading guide.

某人过着牛马不如的生活。Somebody is leading a dog's life.

地区真正是“带头前进”。District 3450 is "leading the way".

引领家居时尚。Leading the fad of house decoration.

虔诚军就是一个很好的例子。A leading example is Lashkar-e-Taiba.

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引领家居洗涤新风尚!Leading the new fashion home washing!

她在这部影片中演主角。She had the leading part in the film.

主导风格是俄罗斯巴洛克式。The leading style is Russian baroque.