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他把美国军队看作新殖民主义的占领工具。He came to view America's military as an instrument of neocolonial occupation.

这场斗争是一剂混杂着对新殖民主义和经济动荡愤恨不平的混合毒药。The struggle is an unusually toxic mix of neocolonial resentment and economic unrest.

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但是非洲国家的领导和人民都非常害怕美国非洲政策的新殖民主义军事化。African leaders and populations were so fearful of the neocolonial militarization of U.S.

而在北高加索其新殖民主义的管制方式又点燃了一个火药桶。And its neocolonial methods of governance in the north Caucasus have created a tinderbox.

小奥巴马越来越认识到,富人作为一个压迫阶级而存在,他们是美国内部的新殖民主义势力。Obama grew to perceive the rich as an oppressive class, a kind of neocolonial power within America.

教派问题,也讽刺的是,会消失,因为穆斯林采取新殖民主义的耻辱之后,几十年来控制自己的生活。Sectarian problems, also ironically, will fade as Muslims take control of their lives after decades of neocolonial humiliation.

对抗美国帝国主义全球化需要揭露其为了延续新殖民关系所形成的策略阶级联盟本质。Fighting US imperialist globalization involves unmasking the nature of the strategic class alliances that perpetuates neocolonial relations.

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俄罗斯人口一年下来减少了700,000.而它在北高加索的新殖民主义手段则点燃了一个火药桶。Russia’s population is shrinking by 700, 000 a year. And its neocolonial methods of governance in the north Caucasus have created a tinderbox.

叙利亚官员一再用北约对利比亚的干预为例,指其代表了他们所说的西方对中东的新殖民主义干预。Syrian officials have repeatedly used NATO's intervention in Libya as an example of what they describe as Western neocolonial meddling in the Middle East.

但是其他人谴责这个交易,因为新殖民主义的土地掠夺毁坏了村庄,赶走了成千上万的农民,带来了一大堆混乱的没有土地的穷人。But others condemn the deals as neocolonial land grabs that destroy villages, uproot tens of thousands of farmers and create a volatile mass of landless poor.

南非总统母贝基在最近的讲话中就呼吁,北京应停止在非洲新式殖民主义活动的冒险。如果中国不小心的话,这种消极反应可能增加。Thabo Mbeki, president of South Africa, recently warned Beijing against pursuing a "neocolonial" adventure in Africa, and such feelings could grow if China isn't careful.

又或者,中国会成为非洲新一股殖民势力吗,会不会如同之前的殖民国那样注定在非洲留下痛苦及失望?Or will China become the latest in a series of colonial and neocolonial powers in Africa, destined like the others to leave its own legacy of bitterness and disappointment?

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因为奥巴马认为,西方国家使用了地球上的过多资源,因此他想要新殖民主义者美国少用一点,而让前殖民国家多用一点。Obama believes that the West uses a disproportionate share of the world's energy resources, so he wants neocolonial America to have less and the former colonized countries to have more.