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我们试图通过片中的意象对比表现主题。We try to show a subject by imago contrast in movie.

成虫危害叶片,幼虫危害根系。The imago destructs leaves and larva destructs roots.

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“比”、“兴”与意象创造有着密不可分的关系。Bi and Xing is closely related with the creation of imago.

如果不同,那麽相对于影像的意像又是什麽?If the answer is "yes", what is imago compared with image?

实验对成虫与幼虫图像均进行分割。Experiments with imago and larva locust images is segmented.

越冬成虫可以由根部直接钻出土表转移为害。Overwintering Imago directly came out of ground to harm trees next year.

对诗歌而言,意象的创新是最基础、最实质性的。To the poetry, the innovation of imago is the most basis and substantial.

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在活动中使用意象对话技术中的心理意象方法进行督导和训练。In this activity, Imago Dialogue Technique is used to train and direct them.

生活在同一时期的柳永和晏殊对“夕阳”这个传统意象都情有独钟。Liu Yong and Yan Shu who live in same time are deep love with the traditional imago.

深沉强烈的悲剧意识是徐渭绘画意象的最根本特征。Deep and strong tragic sense is the most essential feature of Xu Weis painting imago.

本方法是实现自然景物图象处理的一种有效的新方法。The given method is a new and effective way in image processing of natural scenery imago.

第二章主要分析杜诗喻象中的情感内容。Secondly chapter mostly discuss dufu 's sensibility change and trope imago relation osculation.

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一天,天空有五位仙人,分别骑着口衔稻穗的五只仙羊,降临广州。One day, the sky has five immortal, respectively Imago riding mouth of 5 cents sheep, Canton come.

本文认为,其审美特征主要表现在鲜明生动,新颖传神,苍老雄浑三个方面。Third chapter mostly discuss dufu 's trope imago single and brilliance Character from taste angle.

壬酸对华山松木蠹象成虫有明显的拒食作用。Pelargonic acid has a obvious antifeedant action to the imago of Pissodes punctatus Langor et Zhang.

作品采用了充满张力的双重叙事结构,蕴涵着故事主题、情境主题、意象主题三重主题。It contained triple themes, the theme of the story, the theme of the scene and the theme of the imago.

穆旦诗歌里的“上帝”意象是诗人“人身以外”的一个支点与一份安慰。The imago of God in MU Dan's poems was his fulcrum and balm, which was "outside the body" of the poet.

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抓住晏几道和纳兰性德词中“月”这一关键意象进行比较。The thesis is to make a comparative study of the key, imago in Yan Jidao's and Nalan Xingde's Ci poems.

本文运用格式塔心理学的理论,从场的视角来阐释意象的概念。This essay uses the theory of Gestalt Psychology, explaining the conception of imago in the view of field.

这一思想也成为贯穿她的整个创作的中心意象和理解她的创作的重要因素。This thought also became the main imago of her wholly works and important thought to understand her works.