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我们应该公开指责异端邪说。We should denounce a heresy.

如果我们失败了,会遭到谴责。And if we fail, they will denounce us.

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顾问上涨蹦跳指责扣头。the counselor bounced up to denounce discount.

他们千遍万遍地诅咒你。They denounce you a thousand, ten thousand times.

不要谴责为“未来幸福”而努力的观点。Denounce the idea of working for a ‘future happiness’.

耶和华没有怒骂的,我焉能怒骂?How can I denounce those whom the Lord has not denounced?

两个妻子和山达基教会都指责他们是骗子。The wives, and the church, denounce Rathbun and Rinder as liars.

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在Nauvoo,教会持不同政见者开始了报纸谴责他。In Nauvoo, church dissidents started a newspaper to denounce him.

外国人的公开指责的和木讷德国人的所见一样冷静。What foreigners denounce as cluelessness Germans see as cool-headedness.

当然,一贯怀疑派会谴责这种想法是不负责任。The usual suspects will, of course, denounce such ideas as irresponsible.

而那许多的跳桥讨薪真的是一场“秀”吗?And that many jump from the bridge to denounce firewood is really a" show"?

它还为全世界谴责伊朗的压迫行为奠定了基础。It laid the foundation to pressure the world to denounce oppression in Iran.

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夫此烦恼,诸佛菩萨、入理圣人,种种呵责。All Buddhas, Bodhisattvas and sages reprimand us and denounce our afflictions.

有些汉族人,尤其是穷人,公开指责阿拉伯人带来的“坏影响”。Some of the Han, especially poorer people, denounce the Arabs' “bad influence”.

美国要旗帜鲜明地谴责阿萨德,并声援反对他的人。The United States should loudly denounce Assad and voice support his opponents.

几位部长发言谴责暂停宪制的决定。Ministers took the floor to denounce the decision to suspend constitutional rule.

我更是气不打一处来,声讨他的同时,更憎恨我那瘦削的身体。I was not playing an air to denounce him at the same time, more hate my thin body.

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中国在助长美国的铺张浪费并从中获利后,现在却倒戈相向指责美国。The Chinese denounce American profligacy after promoting it and profiting from it.

依然,那么多人不断地用70年代来抨击所有开明或实干之事。Still, many people continue to use the 70s to denounce all things liberal or activist.

根据佩尤的调查,38%的美国人谴责不生育对社会有负面影响。According to Pew, 38 percent of Americans now denounce childlessness as bad for society.