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贝里尔被热带小虫咬伤而瘫痪。Beryl was paralysed by a tropical worm.

贝丽尔今天上午来登门道歉了。Beryl came round this morning to apologize.

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绝对纯净的绿柱石完全无色。Beryl is, when absolutely pure, totally devoid of color.

你可能不知道,即使是在其他绿柱石颜色。You might not even realize that beryl comes in other colors.

但是你为什么独自一个人在这里游来游去呢?But why do you swim here alone?"Beryl replies, " I have lost my home.

当矿石为绿宝石是获得绿的构成的形态,那是一种祖母绿或翡翠。When the mineral beryl takes on a green form, we know it as an emerald.

很少有路人认出她是著名小说家博伊尔•本布里奇。Few passers-by could identify her then as Beryl Bainbridge, the famous novelist.

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最初所有的绿宝石都用这一词来表示,后来才仅用来表示绿柱石。This was originally applied to all green gemstones , but later used only for Beryl.

自然界中绿柱石晶体多为柱状,具板状晶形的绿柱石非常少见。Beryl crystals occurring in nature are mostly prismatic, tabular ones are rarely observed.

绿宝石其实是一种铍铝硅酸盐,而它的颜色则来自于微量的铬元素。Beryl is a beryllium-aluminum silicate, and its color comes from small amounts of chromium.

这是最受欢迎的宝石之一,从家庭的绿柱石,海蓝宝石和祖母绿一起。It is one of the most popular stones from the beryl family, alongside aquamarine and emerald.

我国是个盛产绿柱石的国家,但能够作为宝石资源开发利用的绿柱石却相当少。China is celebrated for beryl, but few beryl deposits can be exploited to become gem resources.

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因此,浅绿色绿柱石将不会被列为祖母绿,但所谓的纯粹的绿色绿柱石。Therefore, light green beryls will not be classified as emerald, but called simply green beryl.

所以,我非常高兴看到雪莉和贝丽儿朝我这边走来,而且还给了我一杯份量不小的香槟。So, I was very happy when Shirley and Beryl came towards me and I was offered a nice big glass of champagne.

众议院的几位民主党人,包括阿肯色州的众议员贝丽尔.安东尼,试图否决这个伤残补助规定。Several Democrats in the House, including Arkansas congressman Beryl Anthony, were trying to overturn the rules.

四川平武产出世界上十分稀少和珍贵的无色透明扁平板状绿柱石宝石。The colorless transparent flat tabular beryl gem of Pingwu County, Sichuan Province is rare and valuable in the world.

四川平武产出世界上十分稀少和珍贵的无色透明扁平扁板状绿柱石宝石。The colorless transparent flat tabular beryl gem of Pingwu county, Sichuan province is rare and valuable in the world.

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参议员普赖尔和邦珀斯、两位民主党众议员雷.桑顿和贝丽尔.安东尼都发表了讲话表示支持。Senator Bumpers, Senator Pryor, and our two Democratic congressmen, Ray Thornton and Beryl Anthony, all made supportive statements.

四川平武产出世界十分稀少和珍贵的桔红色和桔黄色透明白钨矿、亮黑色锡石、无色透明的板状绿柱石。The tangerine and orange scheelite, bright black cassiterite, colourless and transparent board beryl occur in Pingwu, Sichuan Province.

利用电子加速器为辐照源,对四川、新疆等地产的无色绿柱石进行了辐照改色处理。With the electron accelerator as an irradiation source, the colorless beryl in Sichuan and Xinjiang Provinces are colored via irradiation.