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我感觉不到有人爱我,很是孤独。I feel so unloved and alone.

象无趣恋栈的客人。Lingering like an unloved guest.

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我们找到孤魂野鬼一样的人们在废墟?游荡。We are the unloved ones. The walking wounded.

格列奥不被人们喜爱而大量滞留在货架上。Goleo has remained unloved and largely on the shelf.

我们会对不喜欢的玩具或没吃的食物感到过意不去。We feel bad about the unloved toy or the uneaten food.

莉莉是一个完全不被父亲喜爱的孩子。Lily herself is a child who is completely unloved by her father.

我要去街上独自闲逛一会...无人关注、无人需要、无人爱怜,都市里的一剪孤影,无牵无挂。I'm going to go wander the streets alone. Invisible, unwanted and unloved.

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女人不知道当男人觉得没有被爱与支持时,他会扣女人的分数。Women don't realize that men give penalty points when they feel unloved and unsupported.

如果我们太把自己当回事,可伴侣又不能那么尽如人意,我们可能就会觉得被忽略了。If we take things personally when our partner acts not so wonderfully, we’re likely to feel unloved.

另一个方法是听他们在感觉不到爱和欣赏的时候抱怨些什么。Another clue is to listen to what they complain about when they are feeling unloved or unappreciated.

那使你与上帝的爱无法隔绝,无论你感觉到多么地不被任何人爱。That makes you inseparable from the love of God no matter how much you may feel unloved by anyone else.

却要认所恶之妻生的儿子为长子,将产业多加一分给他。He must acknowledge the son of his unloved wife as the firstborn by giving him a double share of all he has.

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我们可怜没人爱,落得个遍体鳞伤,成了个残疾人还得不到好的停车位!We are the unloved ones, the walking wounded. The handicapped without the advantage of a great parking space!

网格钢框架窗口和定制木门套组已用于更新“不受喜爱”的立面。Gridded steel-framed windows and sets of custom-made timber doors have been used to update the "unloved" facade.

但是,因为琼在寻找一些具体的、情绪的东西,她一直感觉到的都是没有爱,而且很孤单。But because Jean was looking for something tangible, something emotional, she continued to feel unloved and alone.

曾经享誉于世的学校、图书馆、剧场旅馆和音乐剧场现在无人问津。Schools, libraries, theatres hotels and concert halls that were once sources of pride now stand empty and unloved.

此方案引起了世界上同样拥有大量不受青睐的核废料的政府的兴趣与关注。It is a scheme that other governments around the world with unloved piles of nuclear waste will watch with interest.

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我要去街上独自闲逛一会…无人关注、无人需要、无人爱怜,都市里的一剪孤影,无牵无挂。I'm going to go wander the streets alone. Invisible, unwanted and unloved. A pathetic shadow in a city with no heart.

如果你觉得失落、不悲观不被欣赏,那就是这敞开你的心扉,也许这正是你所需要的。If you're feeling left out, unloved or unappreciated, try reaching out to others. It may be just the medicine you need.

女人要记得当主动提供建议或给予批评,尤其是在他才刚犯下一个错误时,会让男人觉得自己受到控制。Women need to remember that advice or , -especially if he has just made a mistake-makes him feel unloved and controlled.