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他只身捕获一头狮子。He captured a lion unaided by anyone.

到今天就四个月了,拉尔夫终于独立地站立起来。Four months to the day, Ralph finally stood unaided.

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I1等级的钻石常含有肉眼可见的内含物。Inclusions in I1 diamonds often are seen to the unaided eye.

巴纳德环太昏暗以致肉眼无法辨认。Barnard's Loop is too faint to be identified with the unaided eye.

粗的晶体不完整性,如孪生体可用肉眼看出。Gross crystalline imperfections like twinning are apparent to the unaided eye.

人类肉眼可以看到的最小的物体大约0.1毫米长。The smallest objects that the unaided human eye can see are about 0.1 mm long.

纱线通常因为太细使得肉眼很难识别其捻向。Often yarns are too fine to allow the unaided eyes to discern the twist direction.

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然而以上这张弧状银河的壮观的图片让我们达到了肉眼看不到的界限。The above spectacular picture of the Milky Way arch, however, goes where the unaided eye cannot.

病人恢复缓慢,要经过若干天,但恢复后仍会出现共济失调,许多患者不能独立行走。Patients recover slowly, over a number of days, but remain ataxic with many unable to walk unaided.

一颗新彗星在变亮,并有望在本月下旬变成肉眼可见。A new comet is brightening and is now expected to become visible to the unaided eye later this month.

在好几个星期中,所有的紧急援助行动都由志愿卫生工作者在无外援的情况下开展。For weeks, all of the urgent assistance operations were carried out unaided by volunteer health workers.

如果堵塞住的黏液变稀,你的痰有时会自主向上朝着可以吐出来的方向浮动。If mucus plugs became very watery, your phlegm would sometimes float upward unaided where it can be spit out.

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因疼痛蜷缩在轮椅中的少女,无需别人帮助,就能伴着自己创作的嘻哈歌曲起舞。One teenage girl, curled in pain in her wheelchair, stood unaided to dance to a hip-hop song she had written.

盾牌座并不大,但如果天气晴朗,你用眼睛,和双筒式望远镜就很容易观测到它。The Shield is not big, but it provides some very nice views in dark skies with the unaided eye or binoculars.

星云用裸眼是看不到的,但是用双筒望远镜或小望远镜就能分解出它。The constellation's nebula is invisible to the unaided eye, but can be resolved with binoculars or small telescopes.

距离我们有400多光年,它们很亮,我们用肉眼就可以看到。At more than 400 light-years distant, these Pleiades stars have to be quite luminous to be visible to the unaided eye.

星云上方的那颗明亮的蓝色恒星,是天鹅座52星,在远离光害的地区,用肉眼就能够看到它。The bright star 52 Cygnus is visible with the unaided eye from a dark location but unrelated to the ancient supernova.

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在健保方面,相关服务在没有得到消费者足够支持的情况下作出采购决策。In health care, service providers, unaided by consumers with sufficient skin in the game, make the purchasing decisions.

上周傍晚,照亮了肉眼的天空也许更打开了心灵的眼界。In the early evening last week, thesky illuminating the unaided eye was perhaps even more illuminating tothe mind's eye.

它们在死亡谷超平的地面上沿着诡异的直线移动,其中一些岩石重达250磅。The rocks, some as heavy as 250lbs, move unaided in bizarre straight line patterns across the ultra-flat surface of the valley.