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有多种疾病疑似肺部放线菌症。The number of lesions that mimic actinomycosis of the lung is extensive.

手术中发现为肝脏脓疡,且病理报告显示为放射菌感染。The pathological report showed that the liver abscess was caused by actinomycosis.

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异物吸入并发支气管内放线菌感染在文献回顾上更是非常少见。The combination of a foreign body and endobronchial actinomycosis is exceedingly rare in reviews.

本文报告一个食道放射线菌感染合并鳞状上皮癌病例,这是我们所知的第一个此类型案例。We report one case of actinomycosis in a patient associated with squamous cell carcinoma of the esophagus.

腹部放线菌的感染是很少发生的,阑尾是腹部最常被感染的器官。Abdominal actinomycosis is a rare infection and the appendix is the most common intra-abdominal organ involved.

由于放射菌症对抗生素治疗效果显注,正确的诊断更显重要。Actinomycosis responds well to antibiotic therapy. Early and correct recognition of the disease allows effective treatment.

大网膜之放射菌感染非常罕见,我们报告一侧病理证明之大网膜放射菌感染。Actinomycosis of the greater omentum is rare. A case of histologically proven actinomycosis of the greater omentum was reported.

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泌尿道放线菌感染为一罕见的疾病,多半因为皮肤破损,病菌入侵而感染。Actinomycosis is a rare disease occurring in genitourinary tract. The infection route is usually direct invasion of the actinomyces into damaged skin.

放射菌感染所导致的肝脓疡是相当少见的疾病,而以皮下肿块来表现则更属罕见。A liver abscess with actinomycosis is rare, especially in children. To our knowledge this is the first report on this disease in the form of a subcutaneous mass.

目前的文献报告中,此病人为第七个被提出的病例,在腹部的放射线菌病可经由手术完全移除病灶而不需要施行截肠手术。To the best of our knowledge, this is the seventh report of omental actinomycosis not requiring resection of the intestine for the total removal of the disease tissue.

原发性胃放线菌感染是一非常罕见且不容易诊断的疾病,在此我们报告一位61岁的女性病人,因为持续性的腹痛二天而入院。Primary gastric actinomycosis is very rare and difficult to diagnose. We report a case of a 61-year-old woman admitted with complaints of persistent epigastric pain for two days.