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DNA发现程序之战仍旧继续进行着。DNA discovery battles are still being strenuously fought.

把他归类为“玩世现实主义”是他坚决反对的。Classify Zhu Wei among the 'cynical realists', and he strenuously objects.

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当我第一次把这些想法告诉宝拉的时候,她却强烈地反对着。When I first voiced these feelings to Paula, however, she strenuously disagreed.

我们正值一生的黄金时段,一定要珍惜时间,发奋学习。When the life of our prime time, we must cherish the time, studying strenuously.

我们竭力反对捕鲸,反对海上暴力事件。We are strenuously opposed to whaling and strenuously opposed to violence at sea.

蒋介石严厉的警告了林顿.约翰逊总统不要卷入后者的这场战争。Chiang strenuously warned President Lyndon B. Johnson against being drawn into the latter war.

一些自然资源保护组织一直极力避开甚至反对这样的推论和策略。Some conservation groups have strenuously avoided or even attacked such calculations and strategies.

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它要求牧师及俗人通过日常的规矩来努力追求圣化。Opus Dei urges priests and laypeople to strenuously pursue sanctification through everyday discipline.

所有这些男性运动员,在他们运动生涯中,都经过长期的训练和比赛,而且表现勤奋。All of the men had trained and competed throughout their adult lives and continued to work out strenuously.

在它的旁边能看见我的爸爸,带着黄帽子穿着统一的修路服装正在用铲子使劲地铲地。And you can see my father beside it, in a yellow hat and the menders' uniform, shoveling the ground strenuously.

因此,本品成为现今市面上杀菌力最强的抗生素之一。Therefore, the product becomes city surface in the nowadays sterilize one of strenuously the strongest antibiotic.

一场悲剧的电车事故让弗里达的腿瘸了,她的余生一直都艰难地与病痛抗争。A tragic trolley car accident left Kahlo crippled and strenuously struggling with pain for the remainder of her life.

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特别是在阅读与灵性受到如此强大的挑战之时,文学就是自由。Especially in a time in which the values of reading and inwardness are so strenuously challenged, literature is freedom.

娜塔莉是如何向卡维尔挑明她强烈不同意他坚持将赛昂突袭机变得笨头笨脑的决定的?How does Natalie make it clear to Cavil that she strenuously disapproves of his insistence on lobotomizing the Cylon Raiders?

白宫讲话人凡是都要死力避免做出经济展望,出格是在金融前景暗淡的时辰。As a rule, White House spokespeople strenuously avoid economic predictions, particularly when the nation's financial outlook is dim.

读者能读完这部新的传记,多数是受到莫沙先生的决心的鼓舞,但希望他的这个任务不要如此的艰巨困难。One finishes his new biography largely persuaded by his solution while wishing that he had gone at the task a little less strenuously.

荆巴茨一直是博览会自2003年来在北京的首席谈判代表,多年以来一直与中国出版官员竭力谈判。Jing Bartz has been the fair’s chief representative in Beijing since 2003 and negotiated strenuously with Chinese publication officials.

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房地产开发商,小型企业和其他贷款者近几周不断抱怨着销售的疲软和信贷的缺乏。Real estate developers, small businesses and other borrowers have complained strenuously in recent weeks of weakening sales and scarce credit.

分析师说,这对商业银行的影响取决于中国有关部门和各家银行试图制止此类信贷的力度。The impact on banks, the analysts said, depends on how strenuously Chinese authorities and the country*s banks try to put a stop to the business.

一个捡破烂的老伯也不例外,湿滑的雪地里,吃力地把这些采摘回来的“宝贝”背回家去慢慢享用。An old uncle who picks tattered is not to be exceptional. In the slippery snowy area, he picks these "treasure" back to home strenuously to enjoy slowly.