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常用对数的小数部分。The fractional part of a logarithm.

是通过部分准备金制度They do it with fractional reserves.

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一角银币和分币都是辅币。Dimes and pennies are fractional currency.

或在分馏冷凝器。In your fractional distillation condenser.

搔痒娃娃就是分人工智能界的ENIAC始祖计算机。Tickle Me Elmo is the ENIAC of fractional AI.

避免为不同的多核芯片采用不同的许可证机制Avoids fractional licensing for multi-core chips

极小的变化部分,对于系统能量是一个。An incredibly tiny fractional variation in the system energy.

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这就出现了,所谓的,部分储备金制度It started out that was as, what we call, fractional reserve.

可以说我们是在,做某种分馏。Let's say you're doing a fractional distillation of some sort.

将十进位值舍入为指定的小数位数。Rounds a decimal value to a specified number of fractional digits.

伴随着部分准备金银行制度,英国的银行业处于一个不平稳的均衡中。With a fractional reserve system you're in an unstable equilibrium.

特别的,我们得到了分数次积分算子的有界性。As special cases, we obtain the boundedness of fractional operators.

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这种资源的部分分配确保了最大的灵活性。This fractional allocation of resources ensures maximum flexibility.

给出了基于分数阶傅立叶变换的倒谱。Present a definition of cepstrum based on Fractional Fourier Transform.

给出了分式半环的概念和泛性质。The concept and the universal property of fractional semiring are given.

分形布朗运动是模拟此类信号的很好的数学模型。Fractional Brownian motion is a convenient model for this kind of process.

推荐计数100方格作为排除少量的结果。It is advisable to count 100 squares as this obviates a fractional result.

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所以银行的产生是很自然的,而部分准备金制度也是自然产生的So, banks are natural and fractional reserve banking is the natural thing to do.

建立了含有外力的分数阶非线性对流-扩散方程。Fractional nonlinear convection-diffusion equation with external forces is given.

成岩作用是分离结晶和同化混染联合作用。The main diagenesis is fractional crystallization assimilation and contamination.