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经营各类网球拍、羽毛球拍及配套用品。Manage of all kinds tennis racket, battledore and things of form a complete set.

从彪彪的朋友那里拿来了羽毛球拍,所以可以打我喜欢的羽毛球了。With the battledore borrowed from Andy's friend, I can play my favorite badminton.

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由于贫穷,父亲没有受过教育,几乎是目不识丁。Because of poverty father had no schooling and almost didn't know a B from a battledore.

由于贫穷,父亲没有受过教育,简直是目不识丁。Because of poverty father had no schooling and almost didn't know a B from a battledore.

有一天,我买了一个柳条拍子和一个黄蓝绿三色的羽毛球给你。One day I gave thee a willow battledore and a shuttlecock with yellow, blue and green feathers.

但是如跑步机、羽毛球拍、篮球鞋等用品都是潜在挖掘的市场。But the market that waiting for things like shoe of ran machine, battledore , basketball is potential mining.

它是从古代的板羽球游戏演变而来的,在这种游戏中,参与者以多打一些回合为目的。It is derived from the ancient games of Battledore and Shuttlecock where the aim was to keep up a continuous rally.

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伯尔特福特工觉得女儿们在伯明顿楼玩当时英国很流行的板羽球游戏。The daughters of the duke of beutfout were playing popular english game called battledore and shuttlecock in the badminton house.

女孩没有男孩疯狂,她们反而在一些游戏中过得很开心比如说跳绳,跳房子,打羽球,踢毽子。Thee girls were no less frantic than the boys when they were having a good time at such games as jump-rope, hopscotch and battledore and shuttlecock.

它是从古代的板羽球游戏演变而来的,在这种游戏中,参与者以多打一些回合为目的。While contemporary badminton first appeared in the mid-19th century, it evolved from the game battledore and shuttlecock, which can be traced back to ancient Greece, China, Japan and India.