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一只银质花瓶摆放在壁炉台上。A silver vase stood on the mantelpiece.

她将时钟放在壁炉架正中央。She centered the clock on the mantelpiece.

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放在你的壁炉台上,它可能看起来不大。It wouldn't look great on your mantelpiece.

你会在壁炉台上找到这封信。You will find the letter on the mantelpiece.

壁炉台上摆着一个座钟和两个花瓶。A clock and two vases stood on the mantelpiece.

我听见他在壁炉架上磕打烟斗。I heard him knock his pipe out on the mantelpiece.

我听见他在壁炉架上磕打烟斗。I heard him knock out his pipe on the mantelpiece.

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那是个摆满了各种小玩意儿的壁炉架。That's a mantelpiece cluttered up with all kinds of doodad.

只有壁炉台上的照片显示出流逝了多少时光。Only the photographs on the mantelpiece really showed how much time had passed.

哈利爬到壁炉台上,穿过了阿利安娜肖像后面的那个洞。Harry clambered up onto the mantelpiece and through the hole behind Ariana's portrait.

即使这样,还会剩下几磅骨灰可以放在壁炉台上供奉。And there will still be several pounds of ashes left over to display on the mantelpiece.

波克从炉台上拿来一根长长的纸捻儿,在灯上点燃了,然后走入穿堂。Pork took a long spiller from the mantelpiece , lit it from the lamp flame and went into the hall.

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突然,他抓起蜡烛把火凑到怀特的手上,看到的景象让他寒气直冒地退了回来。With a sudden resolution he snatched the candle from the mantelpiece and held the flame to White's finger.

墙上的斑点是一块圆形的小迹印,在雪白的墙壁上呈暗黑色,在壁炉上方大约六七英寸的地方。The mark was a small round mark, black upon the white wall, about six or seven inches above the mantelpiece.

他的档案柜中摞满了开发初期的一丝不苟的游戏原型稿,他的壁炉前塞满了各种奖杯。His filing cabinets are packed with the fiddly paper prototypes of nascent games, his mantelpiece stuffed with awards.

歇洛克·福尔摩斯从壁炉台的角上拿起一瓶药水,再从一只整洁的山羊皮皮匣里取出一只皮下注射器。Sherlock Holmes took his bottle from the corner of the mantelpiece and his hypodermic syringe from its neat morocco case.

客户的要求没有什么艺术性,仅仅是一些在他的壁炉上,展示特殊的家庭聚会。The client's request had been without artistry—merely something pretty to sit on his mantelpiece and announce special family occasions.

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干得好啊每日邮报。现在你的一些读者正打算去猎杀那只动物的头,并作为纪念品摆在他们的壁炉台。Welldone DM. Now some of your readers will be plotting how they can get thatcreature's head stuffed over their mantelpiece as a trophy.

接下来是一阵沉默,白色大理石壁炉台上那架巨大的镀金时钟发出的嘀嗒声变得像葬礼上一分钟鸣放一次的炮声那样轰轰隆隆。There was a silence during which the tick of the monumental ormolu clock on the white marble mantelpiece grew as loud as the boom of a minute-gun.

达西先生本是斜倚在壁炉架上,一双眼睛盯住了她看,听到她这番话,好象又是气愤又是惊奇。Mr. Darcy, who was leaning against the mantelpiece with his eyes fixed on her face, seemed to catch her words with no less resentment than surprise.