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我们也有自己的书桌和存放物品的地方。We were also given a personal desk and storage space, or cubby.

在封阳台盛行之后,阳台又成了一个小房间。After sealing balcony be current, the balcony became a cubby again.

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在封闭阳台盛行之后,阳台又成了一个小房间。In close after balcony be current, the balcony became a cubby again.

我曾经给他准备了两个文件柜、书架以及带有24个小格子的小壁橱。I have set up two file cabinets, bookshelves and a cubby with 24 slots.

公爵的房间小巧而舒适。我那个小间也是这样。The duke's room was pretty small, but plenty good enough, and so was my cubby.

专门利用一个小房间或隔一个空间出来存放衣物。Use a cubby technically or alternately the space comes out to deposit clothings.

她的三只老鼠「小胖」、「甜豆」和「小不点」有助于她在工作一整天后放松。Her three rats, Cubby , Sweet Pea and Little Bit, help her after a long day of work.

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也许你会问,小房间本身就不大,再凭空做出一个隔断,多拥挤呀。Perhaps you can ask, cubby itself is not big, again without foundation make a partition, much jam.

看门人总是面带笑容,喜欢开玩笑,长着一口发黑的牙齿,还总是在他的小屋里打瞌睡。The always grinning, always joking black-toothed gatekeeper is always sleeping in his small cubby.

打开时,是一个标准的台灯,合上是一款夜灯,而且还是一个笔筒。It's a standard lamp when open, a nigh light when closed and acts as a cubby for your desk supplies.

中心控制台最蒙受烟灰缸和小房间洞盖子感到极端轻而薄之苦。The centre console suffers the most with the ashtray and cubby hole covers feeling extremely flimsy.

小房间特色小吃和中小板以及星巴克咖啡一下午接我。The Cubby features light snacks and small plates as well as Starbucks coffee for an afternoon pick-me-up.

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为了帮助您的技术人员有效地工作,您将会把每种部件放在它们专门的柜子里,这样就会很容易找到。To help your technicians do their work efficiently, you would store each part in its own specific cubby for easy retrieval.

为孩子创造空间陈列家人的图片,或者是涂鸦的公告牌、挂物的衣帽钩,或者是给每个孩子小房间。Create spaces for children to display family photographs and drawings on bulletin boards or by each child’s cubby or coat hook.

侧重色彩用于有装饰线的小房间或公寓,更能相映成趣。Emphasize particularly on the cubby that colour uses at having decorative thread or apartment, more can set each other off becomes an interest.

在式样方面,一般小房间的窗帘应以比较简洁的式样为好,以免使空间因为窗帘的繁杂而显得更为窄小。In style, the curtain of general cubby should compare compact model for good, lest make the space because of the curtain multifarious and appear more narrow.

小房间可以选择浅色、冷色调的窗帘来装饰,因为浅色、冷色能够创造一种宽敞、雅致的视觉效果。The cubby can choose the curtain that light color, cool color moves to decorate, because light color, cool color can create a kind of capacious , refined vision effect.

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我坐在母亲的书桌旁,这是一张桌面活动的红木写字台。将桌面折叠起来,就可以看到几排分类书橱和小抽屉——甚至还有一个滑门暗隔间。I'm sitting at my mother's desk, a mahogany secretary with a writing leaf that folds down to reveal rows of cubby -holes and tiny drawers-even a sliding secret compartment.

在式样方面,一般小房间的窗帘应以比较简洁的式样为好,以免使空间因为窗帘的繁杂而显得更为窄小。In style respect, the curtain of general cubby should in order to compare compact model had better, lest make the space because of the curtain multifarious and appear more narrow small.

软包前些年很流行,但这几年渐渐被冷落,主要是因为软包能使小房间显得更加拥挤,且易燃,不易清洗。Before mild package some year very popular, but these a few years gradually by desolate, because mild package can make the cubby appears more crowded, basically be, and combustible, clean not easily.