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神开办了一个严紧的学校。God keeps a costly school.

一些革新付出了高昂代价。Some shake-ups were costly.

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好手对你的赢利是非常大的损害。Regs are super costly to your profit.

他们用贵重的礼物贿赂他。They bribed him with costly presents.

行动不需要多么复杂或昂贵。Actions need not be complex or costly.

玉盘珍馐直万钱。And costly delicacies on jade platters.

但科什纳说,使用猎头来招聘代价不菲…But Mr. Kirshner says that can be costly.

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去工场或展览的成本更高。More costly to get to workshops and shows

你的计划是不切合实际的,因为它被证实耗资太大。Your plan fell down when it proved too costly.

他们为什么要参加如此昂贵的活动?Why do they enter into such costly commitments?

这样做会导致你花很花钱去补牙。The buildup could lead to costly dental repairs.

塞瓦斯托波尔之战苏德两方付出了代价都是极高的。The battle of Sevastopol was costly for both sides.

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这些都是彩色电视机,它们很贵。These are colour televisions. They are very costly.

比四冲程发动机制造成本更低。Less costly to manufacture than four-stroke engines.

皇家列车装备有豪华家具。The royal train was fitted up with costly furniture.

亲爱的,神也许送你一包顶宝贵的东西。God may send you, dear friends, some costly packages.

过去,家用早孕检测试纸是相当昂贵的。Historically, a home pregnancy test was rather costly.

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疫苗接种能保护家禽,但费用可能会很高。Innoculation can protect poultry, but could be costly.

空运药材进藏,成本很高。It is very costly to deliver medicine to Tibet by air.

那件昂贵的邮件由于霜的缘故而延搁。The costly post was postponed because of the frost.