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吃没熟的苹果使他得了病。Eating the unripe apples made him ill.

生花生皮能治白血病吗?Can unripe earthnut skin treat leukaemia?

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二是让后进生获得成功。It is to let junior unripe score a success.

推免生需提交哪些材料?。Push avoid unripe need what to data submit?

此时此季,果实尚未成熟。Which at this season, with their unripe fruits.

生口疮最好的治疗方法是?。Is the remedial method with unripe best aphtha ?

中国是一个后发外生型现代化国家。China is late outside unripe model modern country.

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推免生要符合哪些条件?。Push avoid unripe what condition should accord with?

他对容花由感激生爱。He is beautiful to the look by appreciate unripe love.

成熟的水果味道不错,不熟的水果通常不好吃。RIPE】Ripe fruits taste good. Unripe fruits usually taste bad.

在未成熟的木瓜中更能找到数量集中的木瓜蛋白酶。Concentrated amounts can especially be found in unripe papaya.

活泼的叫顾盼生辉,矜特叫稳重大方。The lively call look unripe brightness, jin's call sedate and easy.

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芒果汁,青柠檬,加盐的鱼汁陪油炸猫鱼。Sour unripe mango, biting lime, salty fish sauce and crisped catfish.

青涩、未尽成熟的时期,心绪浅淡、思想病态的日子。A green, an unripe time, a time of shallow moods, and sickly thoughts.

生牛皮与网状织物搭配,形成粗糙与平滑的结合。Unripe cowhide and meshy fabric are tie-in, form coarse with flowing union.

罂粟蒴果汁来自未成熟的罂粟戎果蜜的果汁提取液,用于制药或鸦片。An extract from the sap of unripe poppy seedpods, used in medicine and narcotics.

浪漫主义诗人济慈在26岁的盛年早逝被安葬在这里,与他相伴的还有雪莱。Romantic poets Keats, who died at the unripe age of 26, and Shelley are buried here.

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往届生可以充分利用这些资源为自己的备考助力。Toward unripe can make full use of these resource for reference for his help strength.

葡萄叶片,葡萄茎,和所有未成熟或害病的葡萄在这个阶段已完全去处。All leaves vine shoots and unripe or diseased grapes are also eliminated at this stage.

第三个人来了,一边唱,一边跳,两只手里各拿着一支还没有熟透的小香蕉,猴子一看,特别高兴,扑过去迎接他的到来。A third man passed by, singing and cavorting. In each hand he held a small, unripe banana.