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他最后的行为就是这一种不孝。His last act must be a deed of impiety.

他干了啥事,腐化与亵渎神明又是指什么?What did he do? What did corruption ? and impiety mean?

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亵渎神明与腐化,这两个罪名词汇的意义究竟为何?Impiety and corruption ? in what sense are these civic offenses?

他可是在接受生死攸关的审判,罪名是亵渎神明。He is, after all, on trial for his life, for the charge of impiety.

这类公民罪行的意义到底为何,亵渎神明对他的观众及当代人的意义为何?What could impiety have meant ? to his audience and his contemporaries?

从这个观点看来,我想说的是,苏格拉底亵渎神明有罪吗?From this point of view I want to say ? was Socrates guilty of impiety?

除此之外,如果一个解释,将是不可能的,并要求之一是不虔诚。Beyond this, an explanation would be impossible, and to demand one is impiety.

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所有不同意霍布斯观点的人,也开始指责洛克的不敬行为。All these people who have been arguing against Hobbes accused Locke too, of impiety.

至少,我们可以将,亵渎神明想成是对神明的不敬。At a minimum we would think the charge of impiety suggests disrespect of the gods.

追求快乐的人将不会戒除不义,而这显然也是不敬。And he who pursues pleasure will not abstain from injustice, and this is plainly impiety.

追求快乐的人将不会戒除不义,而这显然也是不敬。And he who pursues pleasure will not abstain from injustice, and this is plainly impiety.

时至今日,湖边仍有一条掘了一半的沟——它便是人们对仙人不敬的罪证。To this hour on the border of the lake is shown a half-dug trench—the signet of their impiety.

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一篇充满神的最高权威的论文就会以不虔诚地方式递送大量知识。It is an impiety to deliver to the knowledge of a great number, a treatise full of divine majesty.

他们要在主的殿中行不敬虔的事,雕刻各样兽的形象,并许多可憎的物。And in the house of the Lord they shall work impiety and engrave every form of beast, even many abominations.

苏格拉底遭到指控,如我们所知,他遭到城邦指控腐蚀青少年思想,且亵渎众神,对吧?Socrates is charged as we will see by the city for corrupting the youth ! and impiety toward the Gods right?

我宁愿牺牲我的国度,我的财宝,我的朋友,我的身体和血,我的灵魂和我的生命,来制止这个邪道。To stay such impiety , I will sacrifice my kingdoms, my treasures, my friends, my body, my blood, my soul, and my life.

阿拉喀涅用类似的主题填满了她的画布。Arachne filled her canvas with similar subjects, wonderfully well done, but strongly marking her presumption and impiety.

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苏格拉底的学生阿尔西比亚德斯受到了嫌疑,苏格拉底直接地付出生命作为代价。Socrates' pupil Alcibiades was suspected to have been involved, and Socrates indirectly paid for the impiety with his life.

人类甚至犯了大不敬之罪,往神明身上加上了相同的欲望,认为他们也渴望得到永不停息的颂扬。Mankind have even committed the impiety of attributing similar desires to the deity , whom they imagine avid for continual praise.

雅典人民以“不敬神”和“腐蚀青年”两项罪名对苏格拉底提出控拆并最终判处其死刑,完成了古希腊最后一出悲剧。Athenians sentenced the death penalty to Socrates for " impiety " and "corrupting the youth", which is the last tragedy of ancient Greece.