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他们周末刚度假回来。They just got back from a weekend getaway.

试试最价廉物美的去处--拉斯维加斯吧。Try the best bargain getaway -- Las Vegas.

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找到一个和老爸出去看风景的好理由了吧?Find a scenic Father’s Day getaway idea near you.

望风的人跑出去跳上那辆车就逃走了。The lookout ran out and escaped in the getaway car.

“挪威畅意号”也是挪威公司第二全新游轮。The Getaway is the the company's second-newest ship.

这些强盗逃跑前射杀了一个警察。The robbers shot a policeman before making their getaway.

美居是一个与众不同的城市港湾。Mercure is the urban getaway destination with a difference.

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莫拉和萨拉饥饿地看着疣猪逃跑了。Mora and Zara watch hungrily as the warthog makes its getaway.

匪徒们打劫后,乘一辆盗来的汽车逃走了。After the hold-up , the gang made their getaway in a stolen car.

他们骑上偷来的摩托车沿着人行道逃走了。They made their getaway along a pavement on a stolen motorcycle.

他确保在攻击后不会很容易的被识别出逃亡汽车。He ensures the getaway car is not easily identifiable after the robbery.

更不消说在马多夫棕榈滩也够买上两处滨水豪宅的。Not to mention two of Bernie Madoff's Palm Beach waterfront getaway homes.

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望着巴伊亚的圣卢卡斯,这是一个理想的海滩度假胜地。Looking out over the Bahia San Lucas, this resort is ideal for a beach getaway.

但是更夸张的是,他偷了州长的新汽车踏上了逃亡的路。Well, not as low as stealing the sheriff's brand-new car and making his getaway.

但是更夸张的是,他偷了州长的新汽车踏上了逃亡的路。Well, not as low as stealing the sheriff’s brand-new car and making his getaway.

警察认为,他们将盗窃得到的珠宝给了一个接应的摩托车手,随后该车手迅速驾车离开,至少有另外两人在3辆车中为他们的逃跑充当司机。At least two other men were acting as getaway drivers in three cars, police believe.

三亚一直是中国夏季最热门的避暑胜地之一。Sanya is always one of the most popular summer getaway destinations for the Chinese.

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然后他打算在自己舒适的偷来的车里喝一点偷来的香槟。He decided to treat himself to some stolen champagne in the comfort of his getaway car.

他并不像成为你周末的好去处,星期天的别墅或者避暑上庄。He has no interest in being a weekend getaway or a Sunday bungalow or a summer cottage.

然而最近以来我们度过的最为浪漫的时刻却是到批发店成批购物。But the most romantic getaway we have these days is to the wholesale club to buy in bulk.