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集体可由心生乐与?The collective by heart with joy?

这是集体唯我论。Collective solipsism, if you like.

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我们在一个集体农庄里工作。We are working in a collective farm.

19311931年,第一间集体农场的日间托儿所。First day nursery in a collective farm.

刺激和利用集体价值。Stimulate and exploit collective value.

集体农场的文化馆。Culture house of a model collective farm.

我坚定地相信集体领导。I firmly believe in collective leadership.

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他们认为那是他们集体的光荣。They call that an honor to their collective.

加把劲地去讲究集体卫生。Harder to pay attention to collective health.

他们非常关心集体。They are deeply concerned for the collective.

我们另找时间访问那所集体农庄。We'll visit the collective farm another time.

集合名词与单数动词连用。Collective nouns are used with singular verbs.

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集体的活她一向于得很卖力。She has always worked hard at collective jobs.

他们认为那是他们集体的光荣。They called that an honor to their collective.

工会是集体合同的一方主体。Trade Union is a party of Collective contract.

但要打败敌人,我们要用集体的力量。But to beat emeny we must use collective force.

合唱是集体的声乐表演艺术。Chorus is a collective vocality performing art.

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发展集体农业是个好做法。Collective agriculture proved to be a good way.

农业生产多以集体合作形式进行。Agricultural production to more collective form.

我确实深深地感到了集体的力量。I do feel deeply the strength of the collective.