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但是,当然啦,事后诸葛亮总是好当。But, of course, hindsight is 20-20.

让事后经验指导你的行动。Allow hindsight to guide your actions.

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后见之明总胜于先见之明。Hindsight is always better than foresight.

也许有人说,后见之明也不错。Some may argue that hindsight is also perfect.

只有后见之明才能制定完美的计划。Only hindsight allows for a perfect plan to be made.

你的后知之明是解放思想材料的来源。Your hindsight is a source of mind-opening material.

富人瞻前,穷人顾后。Millionaire have foresight, poor people have hindsight.

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我利用后知之明提醒我如今该干什么。I use that hindsight to remind me of what to do these days.

我们都是时代的产物,而我们都只有事后聪明。We are all products of our time, and we only have hindsight.

事后的所有迹象向我们表明,1990年的世界杯半决赛上演过一场壮烈的牺牲。Hindsight shows us the 1990 World Cup Semi-Final was a heroic defeat.

只有在事过境迁,我们才领悟到神容许这些不如意的事发生,本意是美好的。Only in hindsight do we understand how God intended a problem for good.

卡梅伦事后承认,聘用库尔森是一个错误。Mr. Cameron conceded that in hindsight it had been a mistake to hire Mr. Coulson.

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通常,这些转折点是透过事后诸葛才可清楚诠释。Often, these points are best understood later, through the clear lense of hindsight.

事后看来,读过的页数,或者更好的,读书的时间才是更有用的数字。Pages read or, better yet, time spent reading were more useful numbers in hindsight.

我坐在桌边,皱起眉头看着色彩多样的桌布,清醒的嚼着苦涩的食物。I sat there frowning at the checkered table-cloth, chewing the bitter cud of hindsight.

它是一个根本性的改变,进行了重新架构,并且我们在事后已经认识到了它的革命性变化。It's a fundamental change, a re-architecture, and in hindsight its evolution is obvious.

这只是在事后进行的分析,我分享在本文中的战略已经是既成事实了。It’s only in hindsight and with analysis that the strategies I share in this article have emerged.

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我非常想要再演奏此曲-我想我应能在事后回顾的领会下表现得更加扎实。I would love to do this tune again -I think I could bring more solidity to it with the benefit of hindsight.

四十年后再回顾从前的某个时光,对那些已经荣获诺贝尔物理学奖的诸公而言,也许是一份独特的经历。Four decades of hindsight is perhaps a unique experience among those who have been awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics.

而关于它的伟大,从本文的角度来看,我们的后见之明可以看透一切。And the great thing about it, from the point of view of this essay, is that we can view it with the benefit of hindsight.