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他是个典型的射手座.He's a typical Sagittarius.

射手座是火相星座。Sagittarius is a fiery sign.

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全节点是在射手座10度。N. Node is in 10 Degrees Sagittarius.

难道是我人马座的祖先吗?Wasn't it my forefather of Sagittarius?

处女座和射手座的爱情匹配度Virgo and Sagittarius love compatibility

自由对于射手座来说是必须的。The freedom is necessary for Sagittarius.

火相星座有山羊座,狮子座和射手座。The Fire signs is Aries, Leo and Sagittarius.

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射手可以帮助鱼将幻想变为现实。Sagittarius can help Pisces bring fantasies into reality.

射手座的爱人富有激情,喜欢探索。Sagittarius lover is full of passion and loves to explore.

人马座显而易见的‘茶壶’就位于它的正下方。The very noticeable Teapot of Sagittarius is below Scutum.

作为半人马的神话形象,喀戎为射手座赋予了特有的灵魂。As a centaur, Chiron personifies the very soul of Sagittarius.

弓手座是火相星座。弓手非常主动、外向。Sagittarius is Fire energy. This is avery active, extroverted sign.

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这让射手座的女人又迷人又有趣。This makes the Sagittarius woman intriguing as well as interesting.

射手座是火相星座。射手十分主动、开朗。Sagittarius is Fire energy. This is a very active, extroverted sign.

是时候发挥妳射手座魅力了,不要一意孤行啊。It's time to let your Sagittarius charm take over not your pushiness.

射手男也不喜欢醋坛子。Sagittarius men do not like women who have a lot of jealousy in them.

这些都是让射手座如此出众的特质之一。These are among those Sagittarius traits which make them stand apart.

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我的星座是射手座,在鸡年出生。My star sign is Sagittarius and I was born in the year of the rooster.

但不管约会的地点如何五花八门,压马路永远是射手座的保留节目。But no matter how the date, place, benumb street is always Sagittarius.

但是,射手座的女人却不相信阿谀奉承这一套。However, the Sagittarius woman is not the one who believes in flattery.