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同时,我们描述血管分叉和间隔组织的特征。We documented the features of furcation and the interseptum as well.

头发分叉是因为毛干的表层已经损坏。Hair furcation because the surface layer of hair stem has been already damaged.

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如果缺少它,头发就会变得脆弱,容易分叉,没有光泽。If lacks it, the hair will become frail, the easy furcation , will not have the gloss.

分叉或死亡的头发末梢是头发受损或风干造成的。The hair end of furcation or death is what hair is damaged or dry by air to result in.

在实验的基础上,研究了管道分叉对瓦斯爆炸过程中火焰传播规律的重要影响。This paper studies the influence on the flame transmission law in gas explosion of tube furcation.

鹿角锄共有四个分叉,除其中一个分叉断了外,整体看上去十分精美。The antler hoe altogether has four furcations, except a furcation broke outside, the whole seems very fine.

在髂总血管分叉水平面,生殖股神经全部行于输尿管的外侧。On the furcation level plane of the common iliac vessels, all the genitofemoral nerves were on the posterior of ureters.

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目的探讨分根术后单冠或联冠修复下颌磨牙根分叉病变对咀嚼效率的影响。Objective To investigate masticatory efficiency of molar with furcation involvement after separating roots and prosthesis.

方法对下颌后牙残根、残冠累及根分叉病变的24个患牙,采用分根法作保存修复。Methods Separating roots was used for the conservative prosthetics of 24 mandibular posterior teeth with furcation involvement.

因此了解臼齿解剖形态及根叉侵犯,对于临床诊断与治疗计画拟定有深远之影响。Therefore, to understand the anatomy and furcation invasion of molar teeth will further influence the clinical diagnosis and treatment plan.

站在分叉的轨道上,向左还是向右?我不知道,或许我不该前行,但这我必须作出决定。Stands on furcation 's track, toward left toward right? I did not know, perhaps I should not the vanguard, but this I must make the decision.

通过限制支架内分支管的数量,光缆中的多个光纤带子单元还降低了安装成本和复杂性。Multiple ribbon sub-units in the cable also reduce cost of installation and complexity by limiting the need for furcation tubes within a rack.

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牙周补缀治疗上较困难的临床问题主要是和臼齿根叉解剖形态、叉齿槽骨病变的诊断与治疗。Difficult clinical problem in periodonticprosthodontic therapy induded the knowledge of furcation anatomy, diagnosis and treatment of an involved furcation.

牙周补缀治疗上较困难的临床问题主要是和臼齿根叉解剖形态、根叉齿槽骨病变的诊断与治疗。Difficult clinical problem in periodonticprosthodontic therapy induded the knowledge of furcation anatomy, diagnosis and treatment of an involved furcation.

本文提出有关下颚第二大臼齿根叉齿槽骨病变合并根叉入口径狭窄的牙齿分割合并牙冠隧道穿通术的牙周补缀治疗。This paper reports the root separation and tunneling therapy for the furcation treatment of mandibular second molar with narrow furcation entrance diameter.

方法选择隐裂、根折或根分叉病变患者,对欲保留牙根进行根管治疗后,行半牙切除术。Methods Hemisections were performed on reserved canals of incomplete tooth fracture, complete root fracture and furcation involvement after root canal therapy.

根分叉病变患者引导组织再生治疗术前术后龈沟液中糖氨多糖水平的变化。Levels of glycosaminoglycans in gingival crevicular fluid of patients with periodontal degree II furcation involvement before and after guided tissue regeneration.

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经过较长时期创作与教学实践的积累,对建筑创作过程所具有的阶段性、分叉选择性和循环性等过程规律进行了系统的研究。We have deliberated about the gradual, furcation selective and cycle of operations in architecture creation process during the long-time research and teaching work.

为此,对枝丫类锻件进行工艺改进-两个一连,然后把中间圆棒部分拔出,再用气割的方法将其一分为二。Through technology improvement to the furcation part-double forging, after forged the circle bar of middle part, then it was cut into two part with flame cutting method.

对传感器的结构形式进行了改进,采用叉指形单片式平面电容结构,并将传感器整体与外界屏蔽,提高了测试精度。Improve the head of moisture sensor, adopt the structure of furcation and single piece. Moisture sensor were whole shield with the external world, raise the test accuracy.