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这是一本双月刊杂志。This is a bimonthly magazine.

我们同时也有中英对照双月刊的小册子要送给你。We also have a bilingual, bimonthly booklet we would like to give you.

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具体是在不生病的情况下隔月连续打三针。Concrete is not sick in the case of three consecutive bimonthly needle.

我一年只收到六次账单,因为我们是双月送账制。We receive only six bills a year because we are billed on a bimonthly basis.

本刊为大16开印刷,正文64页,双月底出版,年价60元,自办发行。It is bimonthly with 16 mo 64 pages. The price is 60 Yuan annually, Published by self.

该修正案将在本周举行的两月一次的人大会议上进行表决。The amendment will be examined by a bimonthly session of the country’s National People’s Congress this week.

为了要孩子,比提两年前停止了两个月一次的荷尔蒙注射,结果又来月经了。Two years ago, Beatie halted his bimonthly hormone injections and resumed menstruating in a bid to have a child.

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但人民武装警察法被审阅两次后就在本周人大两月一次的例会上通过了。The armed-police law was passed after only the second reading during the legislature's bimonthly meeting this week.

会员能够每年获得六次双月刊和一次年度刊物。The members can six times a year enjoy our bimonthly magazine, the Svensk Flyghistorisk Tidskrift, and once a year, a book.

同时心被恩感又写了「恩感录」二十五篇,在「文宣」双月刊连载刊出。Also in order to thank God for His grace I wrote twenty-five articles of thanksgiving which are being published in a bimonthly.

日报、早报、晚报及周刊、月刊、双月刊、季刊可够读者读的。Dailies, morning papers, evening papers, plus weekly, monthly, bimonthly and quarterly journals can make readers busy reading all day long.

该草案何时正式通过为法案目前尚不得知。该修正案将在本周举行的两月一次的人大会议上进行表决。It is not known when the draft will become law. The amendment will be examined by a bimonthly session of the country's National People's Congress this week.

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本试验于1987年每月或隔月从福建莆田获芦溪采集日本鳗鲡共256尾进行该种的食性研究。The food habits of 256 Anguilla japonica sampled monthly or bimonthly in 1987 from Qiulu stream in Parian county in Fujian province were stu- died in this experiment.

今天,11届全国人大常委会第11次会议在北京召开。The National People's Congress Standing Committee will consider amending the Election Law for the first time during a bimonthly legislative session from Tuesday to Saturday.