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切除范围从全胸腺组织到前纵隔和上纵隔的所有脂肪样软组织。Resected area from thymus and all lipoid tissue in the front mediastinum.

此荧光强度反映的是整个脂区运动状态的平均值。And this fluorescence reflects the average value of all the lipoid region's movement.

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DPH是研究膜脂流动性比较敏感的一种常用探针。DPH is a sensitivity and commom probe when learn about the fluidity of membrane lipoid.

小麦中所含的微量脂类是小麦品质决定因素的补充因素。The micro lipoid contents in the wheat are additional factors to determine the wheat quality.

脱脂前后的实际接触角数据表明,羽毛表面脂质对其润湿性能没有显著影响。These result in the different capability when they are in water. The feather surface lipoid has not notable influence on their wettability.

与神经递质代谢有关的酶、与旨类代谢有关的酶、与细胞分泌及膜活动有关的酶在神经组织中含量最高。Some enzymes related to neurotransmitter metabolism, lipoid metabolism, cell secretion or membrane activity were the greatest in nerve tissue.

代谢综合征是以胰岛素抵抗为基础,糖和脂类等代谢异常引发的一组相互关联的疾病。Metabolism Syndrome was a syntrophic disease, which was insulin resistance as foundation and caused by abnormal metabolism of glucose and lipoid.

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上述结果说明了贴敷灸对高血脂症患者具有显著的降脂效果,能改善机体不正常的痰浊病理状态,调节机体脂质代谢作用。These results suggest that moxibustion treatment adjusts metabolism of blood lipoid, corrects the morbid state of phlegm, and reduces the lipoid.

ST段抬高性急性心肌梗死的形成、发展可能与机体的脂质代谢紊乱、免疫调节失衡有关。Besides, the formation and the development of STEMI may be relate to the disorder of lipoid metabolism and the disequilibrium of immunoregulation.

结果表明,合点细胞液泡中沉积的脂类和多糖对籽粒灌浆过程无明显的抑制作用。The results showed that the lipoid and polysaccharide deposited in the vacuoles of chalazal cells had no obvious inhibitory effect on the grain filling.

有关实验动物的类脂质性肺炎,在世界上少有报告,尤其实验动物由内因性引起的类脂质性肺炎,在世界上未见有病例报告。In animal, up to the present, there are a few reports about lipoid pneumonia, especially, in laboratory animal, there is no report regarding lipoid pneumonia induced by endogenous factor.