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该办公室乃是自私者与谄媚者汇集之处。The office is a menagerie of egotists and sycophants.

打过高尒夫毬之后,穿羊毛衣的狼歇在动物园里的工具登上。Having played golf, the wolf in wool rested on the tool stool in the menagerie.

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随着时间的过去,地球的表面也随之发生变化,这归因于其他动力因素。Earth's shape also changes over time due to a menagerie of other dynamic factors.

打过高尒夫毬之后,穿羊毛衣的狼歇在动物园里的工具登上。Having played golf, the wolf in fleece rested on the tool stool in the menagerie.

它们不仅属于我个人,也属于我生命中的许多人,特别是我的家人。They are not mine alone but consist of a menagerie of people in my life, in particular, my family.

除了丈夫、两个儿子、一个儿媳和一个孙子之外,谢林还养了一群宠物。Along with two sons, a daughter-in-law, a grandchild and her husband, Shareen has a menagerie of pets.

目前科学家们利用暗物质理论来预言宇宙中已知的星系的形成。Now scientists have used dark matter theory to predict the menagerie of galaxies found in the universe.

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和超对称一样,特彩意味著LHC会找到一堆奇特的粒子。Like supersymmetry, technicolor implies that the LHC will set free a veritable menagerie of exotic particles.

从鲨鱼特工到蜜蜂炸弹探测器,五角大楼资助的相关研究所招募的动物士兵足可以办个动物展览会了。From shark stealth-spies to honeybee bomb detectors, the Pentagon's funded research into a menagerie of animal recruits.

在众星云集的迪斯尼卡通大家庭中,唐老鸭是最小气的一位,迪斯尼麾下还有米老鼠米奇和米妮,高飞和布鲁托。He is themost curmudgeonly character in a star-studdedDisney menagerie that includes Mickey and MinnieMouse, Goofy and Pluto.

这项研究也使用了尽可能多样的实验动物,包括小鼠,小猪,果子狸和恒河猴。The study also included experiments in a veritable menagerie of animals, including mice, miniature pigs, ferrets and macaques.

在众星云集的迪斯尼卡通大家庭中,唐老鸭是最小气的一位,迪斯尼麾下还有米老鼠米奇。He is the most curmudgeonly character in a star-studded Disney menagerie that includes Mickey and Minnie Mouse, Goofy and Pluto.

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不过科学家也知道,在每一个癌症病例中,整群的恶性细胞都来自单一个不稳定的母细胞。Yet scientists do know that in every case of cancer, the entire menagerie of malignant cells has arisen from a single unstable mother cell.

这里有松鼠猴,水豚,非洲甘比亚鼠,蝎子,蝴蝶孔雀鱼,还有大批的长尾鹦鹉,外来客的名单越来越长,列入其中的动物越来越多。Squirrel monkeys, capybara, Gambian pouch rats, scorpions, Butterfly Peacock fish, a menagerie of parakeets, the list goes on, and on and on.

哥斯拉之后,奇异且具隐喻性的生物在银幕上接踵而至,其形象介乎耐人寻味与荒谬不经之间。The bizarre and suggestive menagerie of creatures that followed Godzilla onto the silver screen ranged from the intriguing to the ridiculous.

由于担心被逮捕或更糟,一群西方名人录顶层人员突然冒出来要断绝交易并且提供秘密内情。Fearing arrest or more, a menagerie of top members of the Western Who's Who popped out of the woodwork trying to cut deals and offering secrets.

大量已经发现的系外行星的环境与我们太阳系的行星毫无相似之处。The incredible menagerie of extrasolar planets already discovered is filled with worlds that look nothing like the denizens of our own solar system.

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这个18岁的女孩在她父母豢养了超过120只动物的大动物园里全职工作,在此之前,她学习动物管理学。The 18-year-old studied animal management before taking a full-time role looking after her parents giant menagerie which houses more than 120 animals.

轻松愉快又幽默,纯银动物系列结合独特与经典的特质,创造惊喜。Light-hearted and humorous, the sterling silver menagerie collection combines the unusual with classic references to create something truly unexpected.

以后几年他主要是在威尼斯度过的,在那儿他驯养了一群珍奇动物,也搞了不少风流韵事。The next few years were spent mostly in Venice, where Byron established himself with a menagerie of strange animals and conducted various love-affairs.