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但季节性流感也是如此。But so is seasonal flu.

如何治疗季节性鼻炎?How to treat seasonal rhinitis?

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送周期性的明信片和电子明信片Send Seasonal Cards and E-Cards

所以,有季节性忧郁症之说。So, have seasonal of melancholia say.

你的公司是短线或长线经营?Is your business seasonal or cyclical?

季雨可能会将稻米毁坏。Seasonal rains might destroy the rice.

首先,我会考虑到应季的配料。First, I examined seasonal ingredients.

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中午去买换季的衣服。At noon to buy seasonal uniform clothing.

泥河水质具有季节性变化。The water quality has seasonal variation.

“这是一个季节性很强的地方,”赫奇斯说。"It's a very seasonal place," Hedges said.

热之心对每个人都是季节性的最爱!Hot HeartsA seasonal favorite for everyone!

这个时令鲜鱼蒸的非常好。The steamed seasonal fresh fish is very good.

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在零售业中,企业根据季节性需求雇佣工人。In retail trade, firms hire for seasonal needs.

它在随后每年引起季节流感。It causes seasonal flu in every subsequent year.

我猜,会是时令的英格兰高级菜系。It will, I imagine, big up British and seasonal.

节令失常,使他很着急。Seasonal disorders, so that he was very anxious.

开胃菜是应时的蔬菜、鲜鱼。The hors d'oeuvre is seasonal vegetables and fish.

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然后就是充分利用特价和季节性食品。Then, take advantage of specials and seasonal foods.

番茄酱,马苏里拉,新鲜蔬菜。Tomato sauce, mozzarella, seasonal fresh vegetables.

水上乐园可能由于季节或天气原因而关闭。Water Parks subject to seasonal or weather closures.