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除了圆柱形的活塞。Except the cylinder.

对于这个圆柱面。For the cylinder. OK.

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关闭钢瓶阀门。Close the cylinder valve.

长方体、正方体、圆柱体。Cuboid, cube and cylinder.

柱塞应从导套里拉出。Draw out the cylinder liner.

道夫与锡林不平行。Doffer not set parallel to cylinder.

开始在汽缸镗的位置。Initial cylinder boring on location.

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果实为长角果,细圆柱形,稍扁。Ovary has the form of slight cylinder.

她递过来一个小的金属圆筒。She handed over a small metal cylinder.

气缸盖进行液压试验。Test the cylinder covers hydraulically.

用立体圆柱型图表显示测试结果。This graph displays use solid cylinder.

图1带有鹅颈汲取管的钢瓶。Fig. 1 Cylinder with gooseneck dip tube.

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有没有缸盖废气再循环通道。There is no EGR passage in cylinder head.

液态冷却,单缸二冲程。Liquid cooled, single cylinder two stroke.

把气缸盖打开检查。Open up the cylinder cover for inspection.

把气缸盖上的螺母上紧。Tighten up the nuts on the cylinder cover.

新闻报纸卷或胶卷硬纸筒的固定。To fasten newspaper or hard film cylinder.

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现今许多车有六缸引擎。Today many cars have six cylinder engines.

活塞在汽缸内部往复运动。The piston is reciprocating inside cylinder.

这台引擎的汽缸是用一截煤气管改成的。Its cylinder was just an old piece of gas-pipe.