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人们为了拯救太阳,便会敲响器以救之。It is to save the sun, will be sounded to save the browser.

刷新你的游览器,剩余的就由你的代理人处理。Refresh your browser and let your delegate handle the rest.

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也无需启动浏览器,并输入URL地址。You don't need to launch a browser and type in a URL address.

昏昏欲睡的吃草动物皱眉头吓唬邋遢的乌鸦。The drowsy browser knits its brows to browbeat the frowzy crow.

昏昏欲睡的吃草动物皱眉头恐吓邋遢的乌鸦。The drowsy browser knits its brows to browbeat the frowzy crow.

这个产品让用户可以把好友“订阅”到边栏中。The product allows users to "subscribe" to friends in the browser.

你可以从SNES游戏中选择浏览你想要运行的游戏。When you start your SNES you get a file browser to choose your game.

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同时本文还进一步研究浏览播放一体化技术在嵌入式设备中的应用。Also it solves the problem of integration of browser and media-player.

不过,这个高度修改的版本向缓慢而忧伤的浏览体验说拜拜了。But, this highly tweaked version does away with the slow browser blues.

你可以使用该快捷键直接把光标转到火狐的地址栏。You can use this to navigate directly to the browser address bar of firefox.

战斗训练不再属于非等级服务器列表。Combat Training sessions are no longer counted in Server Browser Unranked tab.

但事实上,也有些编码,你知道很多跨浏览器的问题,But yeah, there is some code, you know a lot of, sometimes cross browser issues

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因为这个原因,IE8未能取代火狐成为我的最爱。For that reason, I can't say that IE8 dethrones my previous browser champ, Firefox.

无需重载即可提交一个表单在很多场景中都是很有用的。Submitting a form without reloading the browser can be useful in a number of scenarios.

这确保所有在阁下的浏览程式和本公司伺服器之间传送的资料都已加密。This ensures all information transmitted between your browser and our server is encrypted.

请确认您的游览器是允许弹窗的,不然此页将无法显示。Please make sure that your browser allows popup, else this page will not be able to preview.

这都没什么问题,总之他们都是以他们自己的方法支持我们知道的模型。This should be no problem, after all the browser follows well known patterns in its own way.

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但是,业务拥有其自身的语言,并且几个小时的浏览就可以帮助您获得基本的要义。But business has its own language, and few hours with a browser can help you grasp the basics.

等到下一次你想训练注意力时,尝试一下用双标签规则只打开两个网页浏览。The next time you’re trying to focus when and you’ve got a browser open, try the Two-Tab Rule.

HTM文件,它包括一个示例文件索引和实用工具的使用说明。HTM in your Web browser for an index to the samples and an explanation of how to use these tools.