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那也许是我的一种局限吧。That may be a limitation for me.

第二个限制更为重要。A second limitation is more consequential.

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我乾脆加买洋芋片一包去换免费火鸡一只。The limitation of a free turkey was 15 lb.

这就是防盗窗的局限性。This is the limitation of anti-theft window.

他是完全自由的还是受一定的限制呢?Is he totally free, or is there a limitation?

没有性别、年龄或体能限制。No limitation of sex, age or physical ability.

这些都导致更宽的噪声容限。All these affairs can lead to a noise limitation.

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但是,PPP算法有一个严重的缺陷。But, the PPP calculation has a serious limitation.

作为练习的自由命题的作文有其局限性。Free composition as an exercise has its limitation.

能够在高压力下和时植物打僵尸智慧树间限制下进行工作。Able to work under high pre ure and time limitation.

隐居,避世,和限制个人的欲望withdrawal,retreat, and limitation of one's desires.

应用这种技术的一个主要限制条件是费用。One major limitation of using the technology is cost.

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无形状局限可按进行各类异形制作。No limitation on various shapes can be made by aliens.

没有限制的意识形态通常是限制的表现。The no-limit mindset is actually an act of limitation.

这是限制本地组策略编辑器。This is a limitation of the Local Group Policy Editor.

这是由那个版本的FFMGEG的缺陷引起的。This is due to a limitation in FFMPEG in that version.

本店商品,一律敞开供应,没有限量。Goods in our store are all for sale without limitation.

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在这个界限内可任便。Within the limitation you are free to do as you choose.

由于篇幅所限,本文主要分五章进行阐述。Due to the limitation , this paper divides five chapters.

保证期间属于除斥期间,不属于诉讼时效性质。It does not belong to the limitation of action in nature.