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出售10个所有混合水果派。Sell 10 cobbler is pies.

这个补鞋匠真是笨手笨脚。This cobbler is rather clumsy.

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但这位补鞋匠的眼睛很好。But the cobbler had sharp eyes.

伊丽莎白的父亲是一名修鞋匠。Elizabeth's father is a cobbler.

让补鞋匠补鞋直到最后吧。Let the cobbler stick to his last.

不要嘲笑皮匠的黑拇指。Mock not a cobbler for his black thumbs.

大家为唧唧喳鼓掌!Everybody give Cobbler a big round of applause.

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鞋匠补鞋,面包师烤面包,医生治病。A cobbler cobbles. A baker bakes. A doctor doctors.

但如果希望进一步了解苹果馅饼该如何做?But what if I want to know more about the apple cobbler?

然后她跑去找靠近镇上城门口的一位老补鞋匠。Then she went to an old cobbler near the gates of the town.

这样,鞋匠手头就有了可以买来够做四双鞋子的皮子的钱。The cobbler now had enough money to buy leather for four more pairs.

她还会在早上6点烤蓝莓馅饼,也会拔杂草到深夜。She baked blueberry cobbler at 6 a.m. and pulled weeds into the night.

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他给了补鞋匠一枚金币,叫他指出凯辛的住处。He gave the cobbler a gold coin and had the man show him Cassim's house.

他是个老鞋匠,在马拉利斯有一店面,马拉利斯是巴黎历史上有名的地方。He's an old cobbler with a shop in the Marais , a historic area in Paris.

他也叫补鞋匠带他到凯辛家,并在上面用红色粉笔做记号。He also had the cobbler lead him to the house and marked the house in red chalk.

现在我问你,鞋匠,这个月有多少人到你那里修鞋呢?Your turn now, cobbler . How many people brought you their old shoes to mend this month?

这个裁缝,Lifschnitz,关在齐普赛地下室一家修理店,下面一鞋匠。This tailor, Lifschnitz, kept a repair shop in a Cheapside basement, underneath a cobbler.

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当我在一个面包房工作的时候,他们经常把桃馅饼放在一个大盘子里让它看起来很美味。When I was at one bakery restaurant, they used to make this really yummy peach cobbler in a big tray.

对面棚子里的一个补鞋匠把他们找往,把“他们的母亲”留下来的一张纸交给了他们。A cobbler opposite called them to him, and delivered to them a paper which "their mother" had left for them.

那么现在我们该将这官方的赦免赐予——等等,这是哪只?And with that I think we are going to bestow the official pardon on -- wait, which -- is he Gobbler or Cobbler?