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但有些事情也可以走非传统路线。But there's something to be said for going the nontraditional route.

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特别是作为一个非传统申请者,你的经历必然应该是合情合理的。Especially as a nontraditional applicant, your story has to make sense.

在塔特的生长环境中,她一直是特立独行的。Tarter has often been a lone and nontraditional entity in her environment.

我们在许多非传统领域也发现了金融专业的机遇。We see many opportunities for finance majors, even in nontraditional fields.

但中国目前在积聚另一种较为黑暗的非传统力量。But there’s another, darker kind of nontraditional power China is currently amassing.

FDA称,如果欣百达获得批准,它将是第一个非传统慢性疼痛止痛药。If approved, the FDA said Cymbalta would be the first nontraditional analgesic approved for chronic pain.

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这些病人仅仅被告知研究是用来对比传统和非传统针灸的疗效。Patients were told only that the study was comparing a traditional versus nontraditional form of acupuncture.

这种战略的转变是因多种因素引起的,它给泰国的传统收益与非传统收益带来影响。Various factors have contributed to this shift and affected Thailands traditional and nontraditional incomes.

作为一个非传统申请者,机会就在于你与你所精通的专业领域的其他人不同或者更加出色。If you’re a nontraditional applicant, chances are you’re not like everyone else from your original field of expertise.

另一半则在履行,在摇滚乐队演奏或者是做一些非传统的消遣活动。The other half travel, play in rock bands that don’t make money, or otherwise engage in nontraditional “timeout” activities.

这种渴望使人去学习新事物,去抓住一些甚至是不那么传统的东西。And that there was this desire to learn new things, to kind of grab onto things that were maybe even somewhat nontraditional.

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这一类室友是所谓的“新新人类”,他们时尚、前卫、反叛、创造力强。This kind of roomie is so-called "New Human Beings". They are fashionable, nontraditional even anti-traditional, and creative.

近几年,有时我们会准备非传统节日大餐,一整天都是穿睡衣裤,只是在一起闲逛。In recent years, we sometimes have had nontraditional holiday meals, worn our pajamas throughout the day and simply hung out together.

可是,不难想象有些产品或服务——无论你怀疑与否——是提供给那些私人关系非传统或混乱的人。However, it's not hard to imagine any number of products or services--dubious or not--for people whose relationships may be either nontraditional or in turmoil.

如果从这些灾难中还能看出一丝希望的话,或许就是美国的决策者开始理解到这些非传统活动的价值所在。If there is a silver lining to these catastrophes, it may be that U.S. policymakers come to understand just how valuable these nontraditional activities can be.

从兴趣发展成职业,更获奖无数,陈爸爸不认为顶尖大学经济系毕业的孩子进入艺能圈可惜,因为他相信兴趣可以当饭吃,而且行行都可以出状元。Chen's father is happy with his son's nontraditional approach to his career and believes that if he follows his interest, he will always be able to make a living.

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国际教育协会说,美国大学生出国留学在小幅下降后再次上升,非传统的留学目的地越来越受欢迎。IIE said that study abroad by U. S. college students is on the rise again after a slight decline and that nontraditional destinations are increasing in popularity.

麦克道尔表示,这“可能是像举办一个摄影展这样的非传统的活动”,或者是开设博客,开发业务或投身于非营利组织这样的活动。This "might be something as nontraditional as putting on a photography show, " says McDowell -- or starting a blog, launching a business, or pitching in at a nonprofit.

有些分析家认为最近女性的成功,代表政治版图扩展到晚近或许都还选不上的非传统团体。Some analysts see the recent success of women as part of a wider flowering of the political landscape to nontraditional groups that until recently would have been unelectable.