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只需要拷贝和粘贴。Just copy and paste.

什么是芝麻酱粘贴?。What is Tahini Paste?

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这种糨糊易于搅拌。This paste stirs easily.

这种牙膏洁齿清气。A paste for cleaning teeth.

用糨糊粘纸。Stick the paper with paste.

给莲蓉馅称重。Weigh the lotus seed paste.

它是一种厚厚的、奶油色的糊状物。It is a thick, creamy paste.

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切忌使用复制粘贴。Never, ever, copy and paste.

湿纸和糨糊的混合物。A mash of wet paper and paste.

第三步,复制粘贴下面代码。Copy and paste the code below.

当然这个游戏是复制黏贴。Of course it's a Copy & Paste.

其次,烹制炸酱。Second, stir-frying the paste.

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我刚赋值粘贴了那个。I just do a copy paste of that.

倒出蛋浆及盛起。Pour and dish up the egg paste.

这糨糊不黏。This paste is not sticky enough.

他用浆糊粘信封。He sealed the envelope with paste.

请帮我把这些布告贴在墙上。Help me to paste up these notices.

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此外,它还没有剪切、复制和粘贴功能。Also, it lacks cut, copy and paste.

焊锡条。焊锡丝。锡膏。Article solder. Wire. Solder paste.

我知道牙刷和牙膏。I know tooth brush and tooth paste.