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对于我的好奇,他们有些不满。The curiosity to me, they are a little malcontent.

否则,你可能会被看作是一种慢性抱不平。Otherwise you may be viewed as a chronic malcontent.

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这些是非都是由一小撮不满分子搬弄的。All the trouble are caused by a handful of malcontent.

因此公众对此情形非常不满。Because this public is right this case is very malcontent.

这些麻烦都是由一小撮不满分子造成的。All the trouble is being caused by a handful of malcontent.

凭什么说有关当局会对此不满?By what to say the authority concerned will be malcontent to this?

化解不满的原则是尊重上司的权威。Dissolving malcontent principle is the authority that respects boss.

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少年时代那个不满的我想要怒吼说我当然没有。The teenage malcontent in me wants to snarl back that of course I'm not.

你没看到吗,你叔叔受够了你的抱怨,还有你的好战。Can you not see, your uncle is wearied by your malcontent , your warmongering.

对于学校的这种安排,学生们显得有些不满。To this kind of arrangement of the school, students appear a little malcontent.

在这里,网友不满番茄花园的系统安全与网站管理。Here, the systematic safety of malcontent tomato garden and website manage the netizen.

贾森·基德在篮网队效力时表现出了不满的情绪,最后主动要求交易到小牛队。Jason Kidd was once a gifted malcontent who essentially quit on the Nets to get himself traded to Dallas.

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其中年龄最小的,在实施部分犯罪行为时,还不满18周岁。Among them the age is the smallest, when executive part criminality , malcontent still 18 one full year of life.

老师上前抚慰他时,他就用踢、推等攻击性行为发泄不满。Before the teacher goes up placatory when him, he is used kick, push wait for aggressive behavior to abreact malcontent.

他还称,微软扰乱该公司的意图越来越明显,他对此感到不满。He still says, microsoft is disturbed the intention of this company is more and more apparent, he feels malcontent to this.

晁盖不满梁中书倒行逆施,计划谋事,并想拉杨志入伙。A surname builds push a reactionary policy of malcontent Liang Zhongshu, plan plan matters, want to pull Yang Zhi join the gang.

在此之后,他们要猜测这些不满言论的传播速度,是否会被新浪等门户网站转载。After this, they should calculate the transmission rate of these malcontent opinion on public affairs, whether can be reprinted by the portal website such as sina.

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而这种做法让它的被代理方也一度感到不满,甚至传出对方要在中国自立门户的消息。And this kind of practice lets it also just be felt malcontent for a time by the representative, come out even the other side wants the information in Chinese housekeep.

在各种类型的个人网站中,工具类型的站点一直都显得很沉默,它们很少有新闻,也似乎从不满世界推广。In the individual website of all sorts of types, the site of tool type appears very silent all the time, they have news rarely, also appear to be popularized from malcontent world.

和性格和顺的尚贤不同,东贤对这种压抑的生活感到不满,并发奋读书写字,梦想有朝一日成为小说家。Differ with disposition and suitable Shang Xian, dong Xian feels malcontent to this kind of depressive life, intercurrent act vigorously reads write, dreamy some day becomes fictionist.