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他给我挑战。He challenged me.

你不能,“她说道。You don't," she challenged.

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他向我挑战,要和我比试辩论。He challenged me to a debate.

这种观点会受到质疑的Now, that could be challenged.

他向我挑战下象棋。He challenged me to play chess.

我邀请他和我赛一场网球。I challenged him to a game of golf.

我向他挑战,要跟他下一盘棋。I challenged him to a game of chess.

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我邀请她和我赛一场网球。I challenged her to a game of tennis.

当我受到挑战时,我想得很仔细。I think more clearly when I'm challenged.

在此期间,我们对黄金抱有的信念从来没有遭到严重挑战。Our faith was never seriously challenged.

这个事实既令他震惊,也向他提出了挑战。That fact both amazed and challenged him.

喜欢迎战责任重大的工作。Like to be challenged with a responsible job.

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威廉先生向这位年轻人提出要求与他决斗。Mr William challenged the young man to a duel.

而这里的每一个前提都可能站不住脚And each one of the premises can be challenged.

挑战布莱尔将猎狐非法化的计划。Challenged Blair on plans to outlaw foxhunting.

我接受这个工作因为我喜欢被挑战。I took the job because I love being challenged.

没有一个拯救你的人会挑战我的能力。No one save you has ever challenged my ability.

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警官们迅速上前盘问,质疑他的指控。The officers quickly challenged his accusation.

那所黉舍向本人们应战赛场足球。The school challenged us to a game of football.

任质疑刚的老板的女儿。Renn challenged the daughter of the gang's boss.