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对待工作,她一贯恪尽职守、认认真真。She always fulfills her duties scrupulously at work.

在道统的中国家庭里,人们恪守孝道。People scrupulously abide by filial piety in traditional Chinese family.

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但是由于大多数在线玩家是男性,因此该项规定并不能被严格遵守。But most online gamers are men, so the rule is not always scrupulously obeyed.

她总是对汤姆有所保留,她只完全属于自己,别的人--包括汤姆--都无法拥有她。She is always scrupulously honest with him. She is her own person, and Tom can’t have her.

另外,一直以来,党安荣教授无微不至、十分友好的照顾着每一个队员。Further more, Professor Dang keep taking care of everybody scrupulously and friendly all the while.

那个年轻军官脸更红了,更起劲地指挥士兵。The officer-boy, his cheeks even more crimson, gave the soldiers their orders more scrupulously than ever.

今天被人们所恪守和推崇的个体婚家庭,只有几千年,至多上万年的历史。Monogyny and polygyny which people scrupulously abide by nowadays have a history of only several thousand years.

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这是一座精心分类后的废旧电池山。下面要着手提炼水银。A veritable mountain of scrupulously sorted battery cells. The next thing is to set about recovering the mercury.

要小心避免独断专行地改变目标、优柔寡断或者不放手资源,这些都会阻碍进步。Scrupulously avoid impeding progress by changing goals autocratically, being indecisive, or holding up resources.

一旦被选为议长,他就要跟他的政党脱离一切关系,做到不偏不倚,公正合理。Once elected he severs any connection with his political party and must be scrupulously impartial in his behavior.

她恪守封建妇德,而且城府颇深,能笼络人心,待人处事十分的圆滑,上面的疼爱,下面的敬重。She scrupulously abide by the feudal woman, and shrewd is quite deep, can auto, others very tactful, above, below the love.

我总要尽可能小心翼翼地化解掉所有的怒气,以确保不带坏情绪入眠。然而,研究表明,怒气情绪宣泄的念头根本没有意义。I had always scrupulously aired every irritation as soon as possible, to make sure I vented all bad feelings before bedtime.

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公司格守“质量第一,信誉至上”的经营理念,热忱为客户服务。Our company scrupulously abides by the principle of "quality and credibility" and will serve our clients with a helping hand.

但这造成的沉痛代价就是耗尽了自然资源,破坏了环境,严重践踏了财产权益。But it has come at a heavy price in depleted natural resources, a damaged environment and scrupulously disrespected property rights.

但他并非恪守儒家祖训,而是充满质疑精神,表现为常人难以理解的异端色彩。However, he liked more questioning than scrupulously abided by the old doctrine, and therefore expressed his incredible heterodoxy color.

政府着手起诉IBM之后,IBM公司甚至为了避免出现不得体的举止小心翼翼地度过了20年。After the government initiated its case against IBM, the company spent two decades scrupulously avoiding even the appearance of impropriety.

据他说,他的职责是不偏不倚地引导有关一宗他要客观对待的案子的辩论。He explained that he was there to supervise the proceedings, as a sort of umpire, and he would take a scrupulously impartial view of the case.

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他们已经展开了想象,充实了外景地并在飞快浏览书本或细心品味每个字的时候定好了影片的节奏。They have visualized it, fleshed out the locations and set the pace as they either zipped through the book or scrupulously savored every word.

我们讨论关于本源的爱,关于严谨公正的创造理则,以及核心完整,这些都是至关重要的。We are talking about a loving Source, about Laws of Creation which are scrupulously fair and just, and where core integrity is of the essence.

另一种外观对称、双面的铜罐,在小心清洁后可以反射出了铜器特有的亮光。Another type is a double-walled copper vessel with the corresponding surface scrupulously cleaned to achieve the high intrinsic reflectivity of copper.