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他出生于伯克利市。He was born in Berkeley.

它在伯克利分校流行吗?Is it popular at Berkeley?

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后来又去了加州大学伯克利分校。Then I taught at Berkeley.

伯克利的生活是非常市民化的。Life in Berkeley is very civilized.

奥克兰和伯克利。是的。So like Oakland and Berkeley. Yeah.

随后,伯克利莎草开始不停地长啊,长啊。Then the Berkeley Sedge grew, and grew.

你为什么决定来伯克利?Why did you decide to come to Berkeley?

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“租书潮”风靡伯克利Rent-a-book concept arrives at UC Berkeley

我当时想,“哈,我进了伯克利,太酷了。”I was like, "ha, I got into Berkeley. Cool."

伯克利的评分系统是怎样的?How does the grading system work at Berkeley?

1990年,金士顿开始教大学伯克利分校。In 1990, Kingston began teaching at Berkeley.

朱莉安娜在伯克利的免费诊所做志愿者。Juliane volunteers at the Berkeley Free Clinic.

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我来自伯克利住宿学院,然后I'm in Berkeley Residential College. And then I,

他和柏克烈同样否认物质的存在。With Berkeley he denies the existence of matter.

经验主义者有洛克,柏克莱和休谟。And the empiricists are Locke, Berkeley and Hume.

可以是伯克利,哥伦比亚或者是柏林。It could be Berkeley or Columbia or maybe Berlin.

你觉得伯克利的设施怎么样?What do you think of the facilities here at Berkeley?

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什么是伯克利地球表面温度研究所?What is the Berkeley Earth Surface Temperature study?

但是我过去四年都是在伯克利度过的,But I've been living in Berkeley for the past 4 years,

在伯克利,你们一年里都是什么时候考试?When do you take exams at Berkeley throughout the year?