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为减小超调量,采用了微分反馈。Derivate feedback is adopted to decrease the overshoot.

归一化一阶微分模型为最优预测模型。The normalized first derivate model is the optimal one.

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微分方程简单说是含有导数的方程。A differential equation is simply an equation that contains a derivate.

酱文化是指由酱类调味品及其衍生物所生成的文化。Sauce condiment and its derivate brought into the formation of sauce culture.

方法用一阶导数光谱法半振幅进行定量。Methods A first order derivate spectrophotometer was selected to determine the content.

最后计算出推进器的推力与比冲,推导出推进器的喷射效率。The thrust and specific impulse were calculated and the injection efficiency was derivate.

给出实例说明初等函数的导数可以是非初等函数。Give examples to show that the derivate of elementary function may be unelementary function.

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本发明公开了一种去甲斑蝥素二聚体衍生物及其合成方法与应用。The invention discloses a norcantharidin dimer derivate as well as a synthetic method and application thereof.

目的研究苯氮芥衍生物对结肠癌HCT-8细胞增殖的影响。Objective To investigate the effect of the benzene nitrogen mustard lactose derivate on HCT-8 colon carcinoma cells.

以双因素协方差分析为例,介绍如何用代数中投影的方法进行离差平方和分解。Take the two-factor covariance analysis for example, the projection method is used to decompose the derivate square.

给出了在无穷远处具有有穷极限的函数的有关导数的几个定理及其严格证明。The paper gives several theorems for derivate of the function with finite limit at the infinite point and its strict proof.

结论咖啡酰衍生物和灯盏花素都是灯盏细辛注射液治疗心脑血管和眼科疾病的有效成分。CONCLUSION Caffeoyl derivate and breviscapine are both active constituents in E. breviscapus for cardiocerebral and optic desease.

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而报告的方式限于现有的技术水平,金融衍生工具的大多数信息只能通过会计报表附注来加以规范。The reports should at least include four parts and information of derivate financial instruments is mainly disclosed in the notes.

本文报告了咪唑类化合物——金鹿三眠素对天蚕幼虫生长发育的影响。Effect of an imidazole derivate i. e. " Jinlu" on growth and development of the Japanese oak silkworm, Antheraea yamamai is reported.

介绍了一种简便的计算线性方程积分方法,即化方程左端为乘积的导数的方法。The author gives a simple method of calculating linear equations, i. e. turning the left end of the equation into the derivate of product.

因此水滑石型类阴离子粘土及其衍生复合氧化物在催化中的应用是近年来的研究热点。Therefore, the application of hydrotalcite-like compounds and their derivate mixed oxides in catalysis is the research hotspot in recent years.

从耗水量基本概念及油藏工程方法出发,导出了制作注水开发油田耗水量图版的数学表达式。According to the basic concept of water-consumption and the reservoir engineering method, we derivate the method of making water -consumption chart.

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一阶导数光谱随着施氮水平的增加,具有向长波方向移动的趋势,同时随施氮水平的增加,“双峰”现象则愈显著。Derivate spectra have the trend of shift to long wavelength direction and exist "two peak" phenomena at more significant increase of the nitrogen level.

叙述了甲基氯硅烷的性质,生产及综合加工简况,并简介其衍生品的应用及市场状况。This article describes property, production and comprehensive manufacturing status of methyl chlorsilane, and the application and market status of derivate.

主要从事医药中间体,哌啶系列衍生物及高分子助剂等精细化学品的研发和产销。We specialize in the research, development, production and sales of pharmaceutical intermediate, piperidine serial derivate and high molecular auxiliary agent.