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卡恩向来都是坦率直言的。Kahn has never been anything if not outspoken.

但是史蒂芬索德柏和他长期合作的剪辑师麦可康恩却不这麽想。But Steven Spielberg and his longtime editor Michael Kahn don't.

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另外,她甚至在卡恩被捕后数周内多次接客。In addition, she even Kahn was arrested several weeks after pick up.

阿舍尔要求卡恩并安排到他的工作室首次。Asher calls Kahn and arranges to go to his studio for the first time.

获无保释放后,卡恩所在的法国社会党士气大振。Was released without bail, where the French Socialist Party Kahn morale.

康与此二位女子各生一子,但未结婚。Kahn had a child with each of two other women that he was not married to.

我反对这样的协议是因为它打开了勒索之门。I object to this deal because it opens the gate for blackmail, " Kahn said.

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回国后的卡恩仍一直麻烦缠身,陷入数桩丑闻事件。After returning to the Kahn still has trouble-ridden, scandal into several piles.

路易斯·康也在国外设计了一些建筑,包括印度和曼谷。Louis Kahn also designed buildings in other countries, including India and Bangladesh.

决赛中他们以3-1战胜了法甲的波尔多,图为齐格与卡恩热烈拥抱。To their final 3-1 victory over French side Bordeaux , Ziege picture with a warm hug Kahn.

其它专家认为康也受到其出生地费城的影响。Other experts believe Kahn was also influenced by the part of Philadelphia where he grew up.

Kahn组织了一些儿童和青少年,让他们与一个可爱的类人小机器人Robovie一起玩猜谜游戏。Kahn had children and adolescents play guessing games with a cute little humanoid named Robovie.

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据悉,卡恩将于20日出庭,他的辩护律师到时可能提出保释的要求。It is reported that Kahn will be the 20th appearance, his defense lawyer to bail you may request.

巴农的母亲名叫芒苏雷,现年65岁,是卡恩所在法国社会党的一名官员。Banon's mother called Mount Surrey, aged 65, Kahn is a Socialist Party in France where the officials.

就是说,卡恩裸体冲向32岁的女清洁工时,必须是以IMF总裁的身份。That is, Kahn rushed 32-year-old female nude cleaners must be based on the identity of IMF president.

“如果你看他前五个方案,你会认为鲍勃只是康的狂热粉丝,”她解释道。"If you look at the first five of his designs, you'll see that Bob is the Kahn groupie, " she explained.

出门时卡恩面带微笑,他穿了件休闲夹克,未系领带,由妻子和另外两人陪伴左右。Kahn went out with a smile, he wore a casual jacket, no tie, accompanied by his wife and two others around.

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如果一位牙医发现可能带来伤害,卡恩博士建议接下来就去找口腔医学家确认。If a dentist finds a suspicious lesion, Dr. Kahn recommends referral to an oral pathologist as the next step.

我读了赫尔曼.卡恩的书,书中提到了核战争的可能性、不同破坏程度和袭击之后的行为。I read Herman Kahn on the probabilities of nuclear war, different destruction levels, and post-attack behavior.

世界杯决赛的关键时刻,就是德国门将卡恩失掉罗纳尔多那一球的瞬间。The deciding moment in the World Cup Final was when the German goalkeeper Kahn dropped the ball at Renaldo's feet.