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有一些会犹豫。A few will balk.

共和党尤有可能对合作设置障碍。Republicans in particular may balk at co-operating.

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真正信仰奥林匹克精神的人会回避这点。True believers in the Olympic spirit might balk at this.

双方仍就他的文件初稿里的最新措辞犹豫不决。Both sides still balk at his draft document's latest wording.

屋顶的梁木设计,无言地展示历史。The balk design silently displaying the history of the house.

他们中许多在商业软件前逡巡不前。And many of them balk when presented with commercial software.

你们中的大多数可能面对家庭工厂的主意逡巡不前,但是听我的。Many of you might balk at the Home Depot idea, but hear me out.

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所以,你如何证明你不会在电子数据表和图表方面畏缩不前呢?So, how can you show you won’t balk at spreadsheets and graphs?

如果你是拿破仑,我就是你约瑟芬,为你在所不惜!If you are Napoleon, I am your Josephine, refuses to balk for you!

最先被炒的往往就是这些对工作推诿的人。People who balk at this often end up at the top of a lay-off list.

消费者只能在他们动辄数千美元的高昂价格面前望而却步。Consumers balk at their heavy price tags, which typically run into the thousands.

以前我见识过男人们一听这个就发怯——尽管那时侯的数字还小于八年。I had seen men balk at this information before — even when the numbers were lower.

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然而如果这些系统严重侵犯了人们的自由的话,许多人将会停滞不前。Yet if those systems seriously impinge on people’s freedom, many people will balk.

当然,有些消费者可能处于卫生的考虑,拒绝使用循环餐具。Of course, some customers may balk at eating with reusables, citing sanitary concerns.

当我谈论放弃不必要的购物或衣服或鞋子,很多人犹豫不前。When I talk about giving up unnecessary shopping or clothes or shoes, many people balk.

当我谈到放弃不必要的购物、衣服或者鞋子时,大多数人迟疑了。When I talk about giving up unnecessary shopping or clothes or shoes, many people balk.

和往常一样,这些坐在包厢里的观众只需闭上他们的眼睛享受即可。And as usual, those in the audience who balk at showboating can simply close their eyes.

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但是,如果与俄罗斯建立良好关系的代价是冷落格鲁吉亚,许多。But if the price of good relations with Russia is snubbing Georgia, many Lithuanians will balk.

碰到如此坦率的接近举动,许多游客都有所犹豫,担心这可能是一个骗局。Visitors often balk at being approached so baldly and worry that the encounter could be a scam.

田间的梁木上有小洞口,螃蟹和鱼在雨季的时候会聚集在里面。There are small holes in the balk of a field, where crabs and fish accumulate in the rainy season.