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斯坦福称之为“苏斯博士般的疯狂。”Sanford calls it "this crazy sort of Dr. Seuss-like thing."

桑福德州长仍然在试图从性丑闻的影响中恢复过来。Gov. Sanford is still trying to recover from his sex scandal.

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我们从圣罗莎路出口走,先去斯坦福酒园。怎么样?Let's take the santa rosa road exit and hit sanford first. okay?

但是2009年1月,她觉得她的婚姻应该是很稳固的——知道她无意间发现了珊弗先生写给他的小情人的信件。Inadvertently she found a letter from Mr. Sanford to his mistress.

如果你要便宜的,就到三福百货里面找找,可能会有。If you want cheap, Sanford to look inside department stores, there may be.

约翰·爱德华斯、马克·赫得、马克·桑富德、艾略特.斯披策,他们是怎么想的呢?But what were John Edwards, Mark Hurd, Mark Sanford and Eliot Spitzer thinking?

是啊,很明显桑福德在触犯法律之前就触犯了南卡罗来纳的神圣兄弟。Yeah, apparently Sanford violated South Carolina's sacred bros before hoes law.

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南卡罗莱纳州州长马克•桑福德称他与一名阿根廷妇女发生婚外情。South Carolina governor Mark Sanford say he's been having an affair with a woman from Argentina.

卡儸莱纳州南部的政府官员麦克沙恩佛说他将会跟一位来自阿根廷的女士订婚。South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford says he's been having an affair with a woman from Argentina.

尽管如此,桑福德的发言人说,他并不打算辞去州长一职。Despite the criticism, a spokesman for Sanford said that the governor has no intention of resigning.

来自乔治亚的民主党议员桑福德。毕晓普说,不要减少影响退伍军人的预算。Democratic lawmakers, such as Georgia's Sanford Bishop, warned against cuts that would affect war veterans.

山福德和他们的研究组还开发了一种评估工具来测量这两种潜焦虑。Sanford and his research team also have created an assessment tool to measure these two underlying concerns.

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今天,桑福德承认和一名阿根廷女性有婚外情,我就想,太好了,我们已经在外包情妇了。Today, Sanford admitted to having an affair in Argentina. I'm like, great, now we're outsourcing mistresses.

2010年,詹妮·桑福德与桑福德离婚,此前担任州长的桑福德承认与一名阿根廷女性有染。Jenny Sanford got divorce in 2010 after the then governor admitted to having an affair with a woman from Argentina.

南卡罗来纳州长马克桑德福称在他的婚外情曝光之后他确实暂时地考虑到辞职。South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford says he did briefly consider resigning after his extramarital affair became public.

该公司所有其他文件,需要通过电子邮件发送给张曼玉深和桑福德秦人会转发给其他团队成员。All other documents to the company need to bee-mailed to Maggie Shum and Sanford Qin who will forward to other team members.

“史蒂夫认为他找到了一切问题的答案,”托尼萨科纳吉说,他是桑福德伯恩斯坦公司有关苹果公司的市场调查分析员。"Steve thought he had all the answers, " said Toni Sacconaghi, a research analyst who covers Apple for Sanford Bernstein &Co.

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清醒的人胆小时会变为醉汉,勇敢的人喝醉时会变为懦夫。——切斯特顿。A sober man may become a drunkard through being a Coward . A brave man may become a Coward through being a drunkard. —Edmund Clark Sanford.

桑福德不曾得到写信人的许可,她恳求桑福德和画廊不要展览这些照片。Sanford had not received permission from the letter writer, and she entreated both Sanford and the gallery to remove the works from display.

她曾经邀请记者来吃午餐,与他们一起在珊弗家的孩子们玩滑板的大理石大厅里散步——这个大厅里有颤抖的古董吊灯。She invited the reporter to lunch, walking down marble halls where the Sanford boys had raced on skateboards, antique chandeliers quavering.