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那种玻璃易破。That glass is liable to crack.

我们都易反错误。We are liable to make mistakes.

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顾客对破损承担法律责任。The customer is liable for breakages.

她对这张卡的一切事宜负责任。A card, she is liable for all charges on.

这容易引起误会。This is liable to cause misunderstanding.

吃了腐败的食物容易生病。To eat putrid food is liable to get sick.

触犯者可予罚款达100英镑。Offenders are liable to fines of up to 100.

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如果一个人很穷的话,他很易于犯错。Every one is liable to error when he is poor.

一个人要对恶意欺诈造成的损害负法律责任。One is liable for dolus resulting in damages.

孩子们在玩耍时易受伤。Children are liable to get hurt when they play.

此种侵权行为为要承担共同和连带责任。Such tort-feasors are jointly and severally liable.

航空公司的势力范围有收缩的趋势。The muscles of the airways are liable to constriction.

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他声明了,他没有给爱人还债的义务。He declared that he was not liable for his wifes debts.

在炎热的阳光底下工作很容易引起中暑。One who works under the hot sun is liable to sunstroke.

这样的人很容易被人抨击为亵渎神明。Such a figure is liable to be attacked as a blasphemer.

本人所提交的全部信息资料均真实有效。All the individual information is true and legally liable.

如果你不穿厚点,很容易感冒的。It's liable to catch cold if you don't wear thick clothes.

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事故造成的损失应由驾车人依法赔偿。Motorists are liable for damages arising out of accidents.

女孩子们除了出天花还会出旁的毛病的。Girls are liable to other distempers besides the small-pox.

董事长对公司债务承担个人责任。The chairman was personally liable for the company's debts.