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郑樵是中国史上很值得注意的人。Zheng Qiao is a worthwhile and advertent person in Chinese history.

也要留意占据垄断地位的国际矿山,借势再“拿一把”。Also want advertent monopoly international mining, self-producing again "a".

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稍为留意,你抬头会被椭圆形的天花造型所吸引。It is a bit advertent , you look up can be attracted by elliptic smallpox modelling place.

哪怕你不买,都请多花几分钟多留意下钱家的每一个角落!Even if you don't buy, please spend a few minutes more advertent under each corner of the house money!

即便是小户型里“挤”出儿童房,有些地方还是该多留意的。Even if is small family model in " crowded " give children room, some places or this are much more advertent.

讨论了利用硫化氢开发有机硫化工产品中应注意的问题的发展趋势。The advertent problems and the tendency for development of organic sulfur chemicals production utilizing H_2S were discussed.

比如,挑选床具时,她们会留意床板与地面的距离,床垫的软硬程度。For instance, when choosing a bed to provide, they will be advertent the distance of bedplate and ground, the soft strong pitch of mattess.

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结合列东大桥加固改造的工程实例,介绍了植筋的设计、施工方法及施工过程的注意事项。The paper shows the actual engineering examples , and introduces design methods, construction methods of the joined reinforcing bar technique, advertent problems, etc.

留意自己是否经常制造让对方误解的言语或举动,如身体无意的触碰、拧捏等。Advertent whether do oneself often make the utterance that lets misunderstanding of the other side or move, like the body innocently lay a finger on, pigheaded hold etc.

头发油腻,一般难定型、难梳理,你不想一脸“油”发见人,就要留意以下的解救招数!The hair is fat, general difficult finalize the design, difficult comb, you do not miss one face " oily " hair see a person, be about advertent and the following rescue way!

介绍了砖房的应用及其抗震缺陷,分析探讨了砖房抗震设计中存在的问题,并提出了相关注意事项。It introduces the application and objection of the anti-seismic brickwork, analyzes the problem existing in anti-seismic design of the brickwork, puts forward the related and advertent items.

其他大区的版本更新时间及华中电信专区的商业化启动前的停机维护时间,敬请留意官网相关公告。Other the version of large area updates time to reach China in of telegraphic zone commercialize before starting stop machine defend time, please advertent official net is relevant announcement.